News and opportunities in mental health research

Funding - training - career development

Funding call for proposals on the effects of digital tech use on CYP mental health from Huo Family Foundation
Funding, Post-doctoral no comments

Funding call for proposals on the effects of digital tech use on CYP mental health from Huo Family Foundation

The Huo Family Foundation (HFF) is a grant giving organisation based in London. Its latest funding scheme calls for proposals investigating the effects of digital technology use on brain development, social development and mental health in  children and young people (CYP). They welcome applications for Huo early-career fellowships, junior faculty research grants and special projects…

Funding for addiction services and research groups
Addiction research, Funding, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Funding for addiction services and research groups

Do you work in an addiction service? Or are you an academic researcher of addiction? The MHR Incubator is offering two distinct types of funded placement opportunities for addiction service providers and university research groups to host researchers. Through our placement and internship programmes, we’re seeking to enable you to ask and answer the right…

NIHR mentoring programme
Community, PhD, Post-doctoral no comments

NIHR mentoring programme

Applications for the NIHR mentoring programme are open! Are you interested in developing your career? Have you been funded by NIHR? Why not think about applying to be part of the NIHR’s mentoring scheme. Applications are open now. This scheme partners late-PhD and postdoctoral NIHR Academy Members (researchers who’ve received career development awards/fellowships of various…

Apply for the NIHR’s Impact Prizes
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Apply for the NIHR’s Impact Prizes

Have you received NIHR funding for your mental health research project? Consider applying for this! The NIHR have recently announced their first year of Impact Prizes. Up to six Impact Prizes (up to three for research teams or individuals, and up to three for early-career researchers) will be awarded to celebrate researchers and teams whose…

2024 Writing Retreat – A deep dive into the success of our first Annual Writing Retreat
Community, Event, Post-doctoral no comments

2024 Writing Retreat – A deep dive into the success of our first Annual Writing Retreat

by Shivani Joshi, the newest member of the Mental Health Research Incubator Team, who joined the retreat on only her second week!   The retreat was ‘…hugely productive, upskilling, confidence-building and a wonderful opportunity to meet a community of like-minded researchers.’ Participant   When the train pulled in at Didcot Station, the typical commuters were…

NIHR HTA programme – 2 commissioned calls for mental health research
Funding, Post-doctoral no comments

NIHR HTA programme – 2 commissioned calls for mental health research

There are a couple of mental health related commissioned calls as part of the NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) funding stream at the moment! Increasing the evidence about mental health nursing and the mental health nursing workforce: (Deadline: Jan 2025) CBT adapted for autistic adults with a mental health problem: (Deadline: Nov 2024)…

Wellcome funding: accelerating scalable digital mental health interventions
Funding, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Wellcome funding: accelerating scalable digital mental health interventions

Have you been involved in developing a digital or online mental health intervention? Wellcome Trust’s latest mental health call is looking to fund research to evaluate and further develop scalable digital interventions to advance early intervention in depression, anxiety and psychosis. Teams must have the research expertise required to drive the proposed research, an organisation…

Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme

Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme

The NIHR have announced new mental health research grants as part of their latest commissioned call for research – part of the phase two funding of the Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme. Their new commissioned call for research will focus on supporting the implementation of evidence into practice and policy in areas underrepresented…

NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowships
Funding, Pre-doctoral no comments

NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowships

Are you looking to launch your research career pre-PhD? Opening in January/February annually, the NIHR pre-doctoral fellowship aims to support clinical and non-clinical professionals on their path to becoming future leading researchers. The year-long fellowship helps recipients to develop the necessary skills and experience they might need before starting a PhD. The funding is generally…

Introduction to LLMs for Researchers
Explainer no comments

Introduction to LLMs for Researchers

This article is intended as an introduction to large language models (LLMs) and how they might be of use to mental health and addiction researchers. The use of AI is increasing in all walks of life and has been used in various ways in health research for several years now. Their use and implementation will…

Guest Blog: Learning from abroad and influencing change in the UK: a Churchill Fellowship
Community, GROW programme, Post-doctoral, Training no comments

Guest Blog: Learning from abroad and influencing change in the UK: a Churchill Fellowship

Our latest guest blog is by Lizzy Winstone, a senior research associate in epidemiology at The University of Bristol and one of our 2024 GROW cohort members. Lizzy writes here about her plans for her Churchill Fellowship – a non-academic grant scheme that supports UK citizens to travel abroad and bring ideas back to implement…

Writing retreat for mental health and addiction researchers
Community, Event, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Writing retreat for mental health and addiction researchers

Do you need some headspace to write? We at the Mental Health Research Incubator are announcing our first fully-funded writing retreat for mental health and addiction researchers. Specifically aimed at ECRs who have recently completed fellowships or a PhD, the retreat offers headspace, structure, and a tranquil environment in which researchers can make the most…

Solving the crisis in mental health services: global solutions across the life span conference – 21 June 2024
Community, Event, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Solving the crisis in mental health services: global solutions across the life span conference – 21 June 2024

‘Solving the crisis in mental health services: global solutions across the life span’ is an international mental health conference held in Glasgow. It’s a great opportunity for mental health researchers interested in global mental health issues to get together and share research. Now in its 5th year, this annual conference run by the CeDAR team…

Wellcome Early-Career Awards
Funding, PhD, Post-doctoral no comments

Wellcome Early-Career Awards

There are some funding schemes out there that can set up early career researchers and provide support for those tricky few years before research independence. The thrice yearly Wellcome Early-Career award is one of them, and therefore should be of significant interest to mental health and addiction ECRs. Even if it might seem a far…

Launchpad Grants in Mental Health
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Launchpad Grants in Mental Health

This one is for all you mid career mental health researchers – apply for up to £100,000 to support research over a period of up to 2 years from the Medical Research Foundation’s Launchpad Grants. The applications can be from any area of mental health research, but the Medical Research Foundation is particularly encouraging applications…

Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme – Postdoctoral launching research fellowship
Funding, Post-doctoral no comments

Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme – Postdoctoral launching research fellowship

With the addition of £4.98m in additional funding the NIHR Three Schools Mental Health Project has launched three new open funding calls, each focused on a separate career stage. This call is for early career researchers with a PhD who are seeking funding to support their career development towards research independence and establish a research…

Open Science
Explainer, PhD, Post-doctoral no comments

Open Science

All mental health researchers are rightly concerned about conducting ethical, valuable and reproducible research. Open science is a movement towards making research not only totally transparent, but also accessible. This can only be a good thing for research, and particularly mental health research, right? In our latest explainer post we briefly talk about open science…

Explainer, Training

Mental Health TRC and Mental Health mission

The Mental Health Mission funding supports the existing NIHR Mental Health Translational Research Collaboration of 18 UK research centres to boost research capacity in mental health research. That means the creation of relevant training and and better systems to support industry led research and investment across the UK. Researchers – look out for more opportunities coming up this year.

We are continuing!
Community, GROW programme, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

We are continuing!

We’re happy to confirm that the Mental Health Research Incubator will be continuing in our mission to build a vibrant and supportive cross-disciplinary community of mental health researchers across the UK – hurrah! The coming years will see more cohorts of our GROW programme for postdoctoral researchers, as well as internship and placement opportunities, writing retreats…

NIHR Undergraduate Internship Programme
Funding, Post-doctoral no comments

NIHR Undergraduate Internship Programme

The NIHR recently launched a new grant programme which is a great opportunity for early/mid career mental health researchers to support undergraduates to experience mental health research by having them as interns. Supervisor/applicant benefits This award is for early to mid career researchers who have yet to start establishing independence. In the first round the…

McPin 10 year celebration – 10 for 10 Resources
Community, Key publications, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

McPin 10 year celebration – 10 for 10 Resources

The McPin Foundation turned 10 this year and has been celebrating by rounding up a set of 10 excellent resources which bring together McPin’s expertise, learning and research in lived experience involvement from the last decade. These are all amazing resources for any one working in mental health research but especially anyone just starting out…

Mental Health Research Taster Days
Community, Pre-doctoral, Training no comments

Mental Health Research Taster Days

Are you a trainee medic thinking about getting into mental health research? This exciting Mental Health Research Taster Days opportunity presented by the NIHR Mental Health Mission [] Capacity Development workstream is for you! Ideal if you fancy just dipping a toe in. All FY2 medical trainees with interest in mental health research are encouraged…

NIHR Shape the Future campaign
Community, Explainer, Funding, Training no comments

NIHR Shape the Future campaign

NIHR has launched a new campaign, working alongside the NHS, to encourage and support healthcare professionals and members of the NHS workforce to develop research as part of their career. These are not mental health research specific programmes, but are highly applicable to anyone in, interested in getting into, or wanting to support others to…

Local Authority Short Placement Award for Research Collaboration – deadline 23 Nov 2023
Funding, Pre-doctoral no comments

Local Authority Short Placement Award for Research Collaboration – deadline 23 Nov 2023

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is providing opportunities for individuals working in local authority settings to undertake short placements to enhance their careers and develop skills and capabilities to co-create research that is more meaningful and better connected with practice. The placements include funding of up to £15,000 per individual and…

Kings PhD programme in mental health research for health professionals
Funding, PhD, Pre-doctoral, Training no comments

Kings PhD programme in mental health research for health professionals

The next round of applications for the King’s PhD programme in mental health research for health professionals has opened! Clinicians both from within and outside disciplines traditionally involved in mental health are strongly encouraged to apply. Supervisory teams will combine clinical and non-clinical academics to ensure that PhD fellows gain expertise in technical and scientific…

Guest Blog – 3 first steps to building a workplace culture that supports mental health research in social services
Community, Pre-doctoral no comments

Guest Blog – 3 first steps to building a workplace culture that supports mental health research in social services

Guest blog By Rachel Murphy Having successfully completed a mental health research fellowship, social work manager Rachel Murphy is now setting up systems to make North Yorkshire Council ready for a lot more research. In the process she has generated much more interest in and support for research from across her organisation. In this blog…

Narrative CV Explainer
Explainer, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Narrative CV Explainer

Our latest Explainer should be helpful to all mental health researchers, whether early, mid or even late career – what the heck is a narrative CV?!   You may have heard that funders and research adjacent organisations are driving a shift towards a resume format called a ‘narrative CV’. This shift is supported by several…

Community, Explainer, PhD, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Top tips for your next mental health research funding application

Our GROW programme participants loved Dr Rachael Kelley’s tips on putting together a great funding application for mental health research so we’re really happy to be able to share Rachael’s valuable experience and advice on putting together a great research funding application with the wider community of mental health researchers. In this 16 minute presentation,…

BABCP Conference 2023: The start of the Incubator Roadshow
Community, MH research network, PhD, Post-doctoral, Training no comments

BABCP Conference 2023: The start of the Incubator Roadshow

If you were following our Twitter feed last week, you’ll know that our coordinator Bea was out at BABCP – the annual conference of CBT practitioners. It was fantastic to see there’s a real emphasis on the importance of research in the psychological professions generally (that really made our little Incubator hearts sing!). BABCP was…

The NIHR RDS is evolving
Explainer, Funding no comments

The NIHR RDS is evolving

Many of you will have heard of the NIHR Research Design Service – perhaps from our  explainer post? –  some of you might have used it. It provides help, support and advice to submit an application for research funding to the NIHR or another funder, but there the service ended. But no more! The NIHR…

AHPs in mental health research – Q&A
Community, PhD, Pre-doctoral no comments

AHPs in mental health research – Q&A

Following a recent article by Dr Eleanor Chatburn on engaging with research as a clinician, two allied health professionals (AHPs) working at Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) have provided an overview of their own research journeys to-date. Ask an AHP! We all know allied health professionals (AHPs) play a vital role…

Psychological Therapists – we need you in research!
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Psychological Therapists – we need you in research!

By Layla Mofrad and Richard Thwaites Since 2008, the creation of NHS Talking Therapies (previously known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies – IAPT) has led to the training and development of thousands of new psychological therapists and practitioners who are now working across a wide range of physical and mental healthcare settings.  These practitioners…

Transdisciplinary grants from MQ Mental Health
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Transdisciplinary grants from MQ Mental Health

If you work in the field of tech, the arts, humanities, economics or another discipline and have an idea for how you can contribute towards understanding, treating or even preventing mental illness then apply for funding of up to £50,000 via a MQ Mental Health and Wellcome Trust transdisciplinary grant. Information webinar: 5 July, 2.3pm…

Welcome to our GROW 2023 cohort
GROW programme no comments

Welcome to our GROW 2023 cohort

The DSE award is a post-doctoral level funding opportunity from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) aimed at supporting early to mid-career researchers in gaining specific skills and experience to underpin the next phase of their research career. In a change from previous rounds, applicants are no longer required to be Academy members. 

MQ Mental Health Postdoctoral Scholarship
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MQ Mental Health Postdoctoral Scholarship

MQ has just announced its new Postdoctoral Scholarship programme. This brand new pilot scheme aims to support newly qualified postdoctoral researchers who are within 2 years of completing their doctoral degrees transition to the next stage of their mental health research career. The scholarship will provide up to £95,000 in funding for a 12-24 month…

Explainer, Funding, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

Starting out in clinical research: a video guide series by ARC Wessex

The DSE award is a post-doctoral level funding opportunity from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) aimed at supporting early to mid-career researchers in gaining specific skills and experience to underpin the next phase of their research career. In a change from previous rounds, applicants are no longer required to be Academy members. 

NIHR ARCs mental health research opportunities – Spring-Summer 2023
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NIHR ARCs mental health research opportunities – Spring-Summer 2023

To mark the new  NIHR ARCs national webinars: Mental health and our modern world, kicking off on Web 17 May (see #NIHRARCs or #ARCseminar on Twitter), we’ve collated all the current NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs) opportunities aimed at those looking to get into and progress their mental health research careers. Listed below are details of local opportunties per Applied Research…

Internships for mental health research at ARC Wessex
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Internships for mental health research at ARC Wessex

The NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (ARC) Wessex is pleased to be offering six internships specific to mental health research. These unique opportunities are open to anyone working in or with mental health or social care services across the Wessex region, including staff from NHS Trusts, universities, local government, health, social care or community care organisations,…

Harkness Fellowship – international opportunity for mid-career professionals
Event, Funding no comments

Harkness Fellowship – international opportunity for mid-career professionals

The Harkness Fellowship is an opportunity for mid-career professionals to spend a fully funded year in the United States conducting internationally comparative research, honing leadership skills, and building a robust network for ongoing exchange and collaboration. UK mental health researchers have won this fellowship in previous years and recommend the scheme. The Commonwealth Fund, which…

Advanced Local Authority Fellowship scheme – deadline 24 May
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Advanced Local Authority Fellowship scheme – deadline 24 May

The Advanced Local Authority Fellowship (ALAF) Scheme supports doctorate holders employed within local authority settings to develop careers that combine research and research training with continued professional practice and development. These fully funded fellowships enable awardees to retain some professional responsibilities whilst concurrently undertaking post-doctoral research and pursuing bespoke programmes of professional and academic development,…

I’m a mental health researcher outside academia, is the GROW Programme right for me?  – Eva Schoenwald
Community, GROW programme no comments

I’m a mental health researcher outside academia, is the GROW Programme right for me? – Eva Schoenwald

DID YOU KNOW: you don’t have to be a university researcher to apply to the GROW Programme! GROW 2022 alumnus Eva Schoenwald wasn’t sure what to expect when joining the programme as a senior quantitative researcher at the government-funded research centre What Works for Children’s Social Care. In this blog, Eva shares how she found…

Maintaining momentum event from RDS South-Central
Event, Post-doctoral, Training no comments

Maintaining momentum event from RDS South-Central

Nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs) with doctorates often find themselves back in full-time clinical practice following their degree with no dedicated time for research. This free event from the Research Design Service (RDS South-Central) provides advice and help for NMAHPs and their managers on managing the transition from doctoral to post-doctoral research. What…

Weekly roundup 24/2/23: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research
Community, Event, Funding, Newsletter no comments

Weekly roundup 24/2/23: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research

Webinars 28 February: The Council of Deans is holding free webinars being held throughout February for Allied Health Professionals interested/involved in research. The next webinar will be International Research Priorities, in conversation with Prof Karen Strickland at 10am on 28 February. 7 March: NIHR Research Professorships presentation webinar with Richard McManus, chair of the selection…

GROW Researcher Development Programme 2023 call for applicants
GROW programme no comments

GROW Researcher Development Programme 2023 call for applicants

The NIHR Incubator for Mental Health Research is pleased to open applications to the GROW Researcher Development Programme for 2023. Applications are sought from early career researchers in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland working in a research role following a PhD or with equivalent research experience. We welcome applications from researchers in any discipline…

Growing interdisciplinary collaborations in mental health research – Dr Michael Tan
Community, GROW programme no comments

Growing interdisciplinary collaborations in mental health research – Dr Michael Tan

Why is there a growing appreciation and a need for interdisciplinary collaboration in mental health? Where do we begin? What can facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration? Can we get better at collaboration? GROW 2022 cohort member and researcher at Lab4Living, Dr Michael Tan, reflects on how you set up collaborative research projects in mental health – why…

Engaging with research as a clinician
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Engaging with research as a clinician

Dr Eleanor Chatburn’s advice for psychologists applies to other non-medical clinical professionals too. She considers the challenges and opportunities of engaging with research as an early career psychologist. This article was first published in The Psychologist magazine on 3 January 2023. Are you an early career practitioner clinician with a keen interest in research? Want…

Pre-Doc Fellowship schemes now open for applications
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Pre-Doc Fellowship schemes now open for applications

The NIHR Pre-doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (PLAF) scheme supports individuals based within local authorities and supporting services to undertake a bespoke programme of relevant Masters level training and to prepare an application for a subsequent PhD, all on their existing employment contracts and salaries. When taken full-time, standard fellowships have a duration of 12 months,…

Webinar: Cultural competence and inclusivity in research – 4 April, 11am-12pm
Community, Event, Training no comments

Webinar: Cultural competence and inclusivity in research – 4 April, 11am-12pm

Developing cultural competence is an ongoing process, says Dr Suman Prinjha, Senior Research Advisor in Qualitative Research Methods and Ethnical Health Research in her her recent NIHR Research Design Service blog. It’s an area that’s extremely relevant for mental health research so do take advantage of this free online webinar, run by Dr Suman Prinjha,…

Pre-Doc Fellowships – our 3 top tips if you’re seriously considering applying
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Pre-Doc Fellowships – our 3 top tips if you’re seriously considering applying

Two important NIHR schemes which should make aspiring mental health researchers sit up and take notice are launching soon. The NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellowship and the NIHR Pre-Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship both launch around end of January and beginning of February. They are fantastic schemes for professionals from both clinical and non-clinical backgrounds to take a…

Funding opportunity: Wellcome Trust Mental Health Award
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Funding opportunity: Wellcome Trust Mental Health Award

The Wellcome Trust has issued a call for applicants to the Mental Health Award. The award will fund research into the field of stratification in anxiety and/or depression. This opportunity is suitable for a multidisciplinary team with postgraduate research experience. Studies funded through the Mental Health Award will further validate biological, psychosocial, social, and digital…

ARC North Thames: exciting career development and funding opportunities for mental health staff and researchers
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ARC North Thames: exciting career development and funding opportunities for mental health staff and researchers

The NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North Thames has several opportunities for career development and funding for mental health researchers and professionals working within the North Thames region. There are two awards currently open through the Mental Health for All scheme. These would be suitable for mental health and care professionals with some research experience…

Opportunity for students: host a podcast on student mental health with the SMaRteN Network
Community, Pre-doctoral no comments

Opportunity for students: host a podcast on student mental health with the SMaRteN Network

The Student Mental Health Research Network (SMaRteN), led by Kings College London, is collaborating with All Things Mental Health to produce a second series of their successful podcast Keeping Students in Mind: Understanding Student Mental Health Research. They are looking for students interested in mental health research to host podcast episodes, with training and support…

Free webinar 29/11: Thematic Analysis with Professor Virginia Braun & Dr Victoria Clarke
Training no comments

Free webinar 29/11: Thematic Analysis with Professor Virginia Braun & Dr Victoria Clarke

Hosted by the qualitative analysis software producer Nvivo, join leading researchers Professor Virginia Braun (University of Auckland, New Zealand) and Dr Victoria Clarke (University of the West of England, UK) in this free webinar on conducting thematic analysis. Tuesday 29th November, 6:30pm Register for free through Zoom Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke, creators of the…

Conference: Careers in mental health research and practice with NIHR ARC Wessex Mental Health Hub
Event no comments

Conference: Careers in mental health research and practice with NIHR ARC Wessex Mental Health Hub

NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) Wessex is holding a 1-day conference for workers in mental-health-related fields to learn about embedding research in practice and improving patient care. When: 10am – 4pm, Monday 5th December Where: In person at the Axis Conference Centre, Southampton Hybrid: No Tickets: Free – reserve your space on Eventbrite The day…

Should I attend a research conference?
Community, Pre-doctoral no comments

Should I attend a research conference?

Not sure whether a research conference is for you? Master’s students and Emerging Minds Network interns Rowan and Felicity reflect on their experience of getting involved with the recent Emerging Minds Summit on children and young people’s mental health research, the range of different people they encountered there, and how other early career researchers can…

Cultivating a career in mental health research – Professor Peter Fonagy
Community, GROW programme, Post-doctoral no comments

Cultivating a career in mental health research – Professor Peter Fonagy

Professor Peter Fonagy is Director of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, Chief Executive of the Anna Freud Centre for children and families, and senior clinical advisor to NHS England on children and young people’s mental health policy. Speaking to our GROW programme participants, Peter shared insights about his richly rewarding career in mental…

November webinars: multidisciplinary research, experts by experience, and partnership working
Event, Training no comments

November webinars: multidisciplinary research, experts by experience, and partnership working

The #MentalHealthResearchMatters campaign is hosting three webinars this month, covering the question: what does good mental health research look like?   Multidisciplinary research Lived experience in research Wednesday 16th November 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm Reserve your space on Eventbrite Mental health research is only useful if it is meaningful to the populations it serves….

Conducting research in clinical psychology practice: Barriers, facilitators, and recommendations
Community, Key publications

Conducting research in clinical psychology practice: Barriers, facilitators, and recommendations

The combination of clinical psychologists’ therapeutic expertise and research training means that they are in an ideal position to be conducting high-quality research projects. However, despite these skills and the documented benefits of research to services and service users, research activity in practice remains low. This article aims to give an overview of the advantages of, and difficulties in conducting research in clinical practice.

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Mental Health Research Matters is a national campaign on why mental health research matters, what good mental health research looks like and how we can all play our part in making a difference. The four key campaign themes – centering lived experience, inclusive research that tackles inequalities, multidisciplinary research and partnership working – are central…

How do I find a mentor?
Community, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral no comments

How do I find a mentor?

Two early career mental health researchers, Domna Salonen and Dr Emma Černis, offer their perspectives on how to set up the mentoring relationships that support and challenge you to pursue what’s fulfilling in your career. There is no prescriptive answer to ‘How to find a mentor?’. The key ingredients in finding mentors for us have…

Grants for eating disorders research – deadline, 16 Nov
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Grants for eating disorders research – deadline, 16 Nov

The Medical Research Foundation is co-funding mental health research to enhance our understanding of the biological, psychological and social causes of eating disorders, to help improve treatments and prevention strategies. Mandatory expressions of interest by 6 October.

Funding, PhD no comments

KCL PhD in Mental Health Research for Health Professionals accepting applications – deadline 1 Dec

The PhD Programme in Mental Health Research for Health Professionals, based at King’s College London and funded by the Wellcome Trust is now open for applications. The closing date is 1 December 2022. Watch Professors Matthew Hotopf, Sandrine Thuret and Alan Simpson from King’s College London talk about the Programme in this video by The…

Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship – deadline 15 Nov
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Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship – deadline 15 Nov

The NIHR Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (DLAF) scheme supports individuals based within local authorities and supporting services to undertake fully funded PhDs. It’s a fantastic opportunity for social workers and others based in local authorities to build on their existing experience make a difference through research. These fully funded doctoral fellowships allow awardees to retain…

Local Authority Short Placement Award for Research Collaboration – deadline 24 Nov, 1pm
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Local Authority Short Placement Award for Research Collaboration – deadline 24 Nov, 1pm

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is providing opportunities for individuals working in local authority settings to undertake short placements to enhance their careers and develop skills and capabilities to co-create research that is more meaningful and better connected with practice. The placements include funding of up to £15,000 per individual and…

Pre-doc fellowship scheme and an exciting change in my social work career!
Community, Pre-doctoral, Training no comments

Pre-doc fellowship scheme and an exciting change in my social work career!

How can local authority staff be supported to implement evidence-based practices for mental health?  – by supporting the existing staff to become research-active themselves! Rachel Murphy joined one of the first cohorts of practitioner researchers on the Pre-Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship last year. Here she explains the amazing professional development she has gained from the…

Wellcome Trust funding – what’s coming up
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Wellcome Trust funding – what’s coming up

Here’s a broad outline of Wellcome Trust funding calls that are scheduled to launch in the next two years. Winter 2022: Focus on proposals that will enable stratification in relation to anxiety, depression, or psychosis Summer 2023: Consider developmental pathways to anxiety, depression, and psychosis Winter 2023: Focus on unlocking the potential of neuroscience to…

AHP secondment opportunity at NIHR
Community, Funding no comments

AHP secondment opportunity at NIHR

The NIHR is looking to appoint a registered Allied Health Professional (AHP) to support the delivery of an Allied Health Professions Research Summit commissioned by Health Education England (HEE). NIHR would aim to hold the summit in November 2022 and will pay the pro-rated amount of the individual’s salary to their employer for the duration…

Announcing our 2022 GROW programme participants
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Announcing our 2022 GROW programme participants

We are delighted to announce the first cohort of the GROW Researcher Development Programme. Our 18 early career researchers are deliberately a very diverse group – with interests varying from perinatal to older adults; from individuals, to families and carers, to public health and service development. Addressing intrenched inequalities in mental health has emerged as…

Mental health research fellowships – NIHR 3 Schools
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Mental health research fellowships – NIHR 3 Schools

The NIHR 3 Schools programme is inviting applications for its next round of fellowship funding. The closing date is 12 noon on Thursday 28 July 2022.   Applications are invited from health and care professionals working in mental health but without a strong track record of mental health research (including but not limited to social work,…

Being a peer researcher in the UKRI Loneliness and social isolation in mental health network
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Being a peer researcher in the UKRI Loneliness and social isolation in mental health network

Listen to two peer researchers in mental health talk about their experience working on studies through the UCL loneliness and social isolation network. We’re delighted to share in celebrating the successes of the UKRI UCL loneliness network. Their great work and achievements over the last few years owes a great deal to meaningful collaborations with lived experience experts.

MARCH network’s legacy website
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MARCH network’s legacy website

The many achievements, resources and connections created by the fantastic MARCH network are available for mental health researchers who have interests in the role of social, cultural and community assets. The MARCH network set out to transform our understanding of how social, cultural and community assets support mental health. Their legacy website is a go-to…

Academic psychiatry careers webinar 2022
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Academic psychiatry careers webinar 2022

Many clinical academics have followed a non-standard path in their academic work. Dr Vivienne Curtis, Dr Kate Saunders, Dr Shruti Garg and Dr Oli Sparasci shared advice and tips on all the options available to psychiatry trainees. Do check out the presentation slides, Q&A questions and links to a useful whatsapp group on the Royal…

Advice clinic: Implementation science
Community, Training no comments

Advice clinic: Implementation science

Are you a health or social care professional or a researcher planning a quality improvement or implementation science project? Would you like advice on how to evaluate your project or on how implementation science methods can improve the chance of your project being successful? Do consider checking out the advice clinic service offered by quality…

Announcing the winners of the MHR Incubator Awards
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Announcing the winners of the MHR Incubator Awards

Judges awarded the top MHR Awards to seven researchers whose projects represent some of the most exciting new developments in mental health research today. Eight other researchers were runners up. Awards went to early career researchers whose work is already influencing clinical practice, projects that reflect outstanding collaboration with patients and public, and to innovative…

Building research in underserved areas: Dr Rebecca Anthony
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Building research in underserved areas: Dr Rebecca Anthony

The award-winning work focuses attention on the experiences of people whose particular circumstances and needs are less well captured in the mainstream of mental health research. The neglected yet important areas our winners are addressing includes mental health in adoptive families, people with severe intellectual impairments, experiences in racialised groups.

Innovation prize: Dr Lucy Livingston and Dr Ben Perry
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Innovation prize: Dr Lucy Livingston and Dr Ben Perry

Judges awarded the Innovation prize to two researchers who are tackling two very different areas of mental health research in new and original ways. Dr Lucy Livingston researches the understudied phenomenon of ‘compensation’ in autism, and Dr Ben Perry’s work focuses on physical health risks in people diagnosed with schizophrenia. There was a clear consensus…

NIHR webinar: How to apply public involvement effectively to your research application
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NIHR webinar: How to apply public involvement effectively to your research application

This 75-minute webinar is aimed at researchers applying for NIHR Fellowship Awards and staff accountable for public involvement. The webinar will cover: • NIHR’s definition of public involvement • UK Standards for Public Involvement in Research • Guidance on co-producing a research project • The support Research Design Service (RDS) provides for researchers in regards…

GROW: Researcher Development Programme
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GROW: Researcher Development Programme

The application window for the summer 2022 cohort of the GROW programme has now closed. Applicants will be contacted about the outcome of their application in the coming weeks. GROW is the professional development programme designed for early career researchers in mental health. Through the programme, participants will build a cross-disciplinary professional network to inspire…

MQ Fellows Award 2022 – 29 April deadline
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MQ Fellows Award 2022 – 29 April deadline

Applications are now open.  Who can apply: Early-career researchers  Funding period: 3 years  Funding amount: up to £225,000  Research area: Premature mortality, namely suicide and comorbidities  Application deadline: 29th April. This MQ Fellows Award will have the theme “Gone too Soon”. People affected by mental illness and mental distress die too soon; their lives are scandalously short. Suicide is one contributing factor. However, a major reason is the close link between…

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NIHR SPHR Public Mental Health Network

The NIHR SPHR Public Mental Health Network aims to bring together researchers, public health professionals and members of the public to share research findings and provide opportunities to work together on mental health initiatives. It’s based in the NIHR School of Public Health Research (SPHR) but it is open to anyone interested to join, including:…

Get involvement opportunities straight to your inbox!
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Get involvement opportunities straight to your inbox!

The McPin Involvement Bulletin is packed full of exciting opportunities to get involved and participate in mental health research. With a focus on lived experience, the (roughly) monthly round-up includes everything we’re involved in or have been sent, from lived experience advisory groups to higher education courses and lots more. For example, February’s bulletin promoted…

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Presentations viewable online – NIHR Academy Doctoral Academy Training Camp

Presentations from last September’s NIHR Academy Doctoral Training Camp have now been made more widely available, sharing useful tips for all those preparing research funding applications. Sessions include: • Lessons learned when applying for postdoctoral funding • The art of framing your research question • Get value and benefit from Patient and Public Involvement •…

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McPin Foundation

We are a mental health research charity that believes research is done best when it involves people with relevant personal experience that relates to the research being carried out. We call this expertise from experience and integrate this into our work by: Delivering high-quality, collaborative mental health research and evaluations Helping shape the research of…

Social media training from The Mental Elf
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Social media training from The Mental Elf

Practical training in digital public engagement & research dissemination skills for anyone interested in communicating mental health science. This is an online social media training day with The Mental Elf founder, André Tomlin. The cost is £75. The workshops are very interactive and problem-based. They help participants to: 1. Become familiar with the range of…

Webinar – 10 Feb from Oxford AHSN
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Webinar – 10 Feb from Oxford AHSN

Free webinar from Oxford Academic Health Science Network exploring how patients and health/care professionals can best work together. Hear from patients, relatives and professionals with experience of children & young people’s mental health services. Sign up here:

Funding for child and adolescent mental health from Kavli Trust
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Funding for child and adolescent mental health from Kavli Trust

The Norwegian Kavli Trust Programme on Health Research will be awarding a total of NOK 20 million (£1.6million) to collaborative research projects addressing selected evidence gaps in child and adolescent mental health in 2022. The pre-proposal form is now open to applicants from Norway, Sweden, Finland or the United Kingdom. Find out more:

Chief Nursing Officer for England’s strategic plan for research

Chief Nursing Officer for England’s strategic plan for research

The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for England’s strategic plan for research is for all
nurses working in health and social care, whether they are already or thinking about
getting involved in research, colleagues in academia and the third sector and all those
who support research. It has been developed in partnership with stakeholders across
the health and care system including the Innovation, Research and Life Sciences Group
within NHS England and NHS Improvement specifically to ensure alignment across the

Charity funders of mental health research
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Charity funders of mental health research

Where can I find out about potential charity funding for my study? If you aren’t a well-established researcher, it can be very difficult to know where to start. Even if you are, mental health remains an underfunded area with far fewer charities with either open or themed calls compared to other health conditions. But there are starting points.

Public Involvement Funds from the Research Design Service
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Public Involvement Funds from the Research Design Service

It is considered good practice to involve members of the public and people with lived experience as early as possible in the research design process. Funding public involvement at the application stage can be challenging. The Research Design Service (RDS) ‘Public Involvement Funds’ aim to bridge that gap. Funds are available to help facilitate public…

500 researchers on the #MHRmap – and counting!
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500 researchers on the #MHRmap – and counting!

There are now over 500 researchers on our map of mental health research,  including research-active clinicians, lived experience experts, and mental health academics. It’s great to see broad-based support for this resource which promotes  cross-disciplinary collaborations in mental health research. The map of mental health research now has over 500 researchers listed from 20 different…

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Social care research funding – deadline 24 Nov

NIHR Programme Development Grants (PDG) invites proposals to address the challenges within adult social care and aim to improve the evidence base for adult social care. We are particularly interested in applications that include users of social care, focus on populations and communities with high support/care needs, or have historically been under-served by research activity, and…

NIHR Programme Development Grants – next deadline 24 Nov 2021
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NIHR Programme Development Grants – next deadline 24 Nov 2021

The Programme Grants for Applied Research (PGfAR) Competition 37 is now open for applications for research proposals to develop individual programmes of applied health research. The application deadline is 24 November 2021. Find out more: NIHR Programme Development Grants (PDG) allow researchers to pull together a community to develop a grant application over a…

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Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) grants from NIHR

Research for Patient Benefit grants are great options for early and mid-career researchers who are looking for smaller pots of funding to consider. A real strength of the programme is the option to have co- principal investigators where an earlier career PI can be supported by a more experienced PI. RfPB is researcher-led and does not…

What is the Research Design Service?
Community, Explainer no comments

What is the Research Design Service?

What is the Research Design Service (RDS)? We asked that question to Louise Halbert, Business Manager at the NIHR Research Design Service (or RDS for short 🙂 ) She said… “The Research Design Service (RDS) supports researchers to develop applications to the National Institute for Health Research and other national funders of applied health and…

Interview: Dept of Health and Social Care CSO on mental health research in the UK
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Interview: Dept of Health and Social Care CSO on mental health research in the UK

In a wide-ranging discussion, Professors Lucy Chappell and Cathy Creswell discuss the rationale behind the launch of a number of new NIHR funding schemes for mental health research that have been announced, including region-specific schemes. They go on to discuss the importance of research into co-occurring physical and mental health conditions, capacity issues in certain…

CATCH – the Clinical Academic Careers Training Hub
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CATCH – the Clinical Academic Careers Training Hub

A new website promoting the value clinical academic careers is a useful resource for clinicians with interests in mental health research CATCH, the Clinical Academic Training & Careers Hub, aims to be a one stop shop for information on academic careers. The website promotes the role of clinical academics and supports health professionals beginning their…

New video series on PPI in mental health research – thanks to Incubator Advisory Group members
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New video series on PPI in mental health research – thanks to Incubator Advisory Group members

Members of the Mental Health Research Incubator Advisory Group were behind the brand-new video series in which researchers and experienced public contributors discuss patient and public involvement (PPI) in mental health research. Dr Emma Černis and Dr Simon Hackett highlighted that support and direction with PPI was an area that mental health researchers would welcome…

SBRI Healthcare – Mental Health Inequalities in Children and Young People, 13 Oct deadline
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SBRI Healthcare – Mental Health Inequalities in Children and Young People, 13 Oct deadline

Funded by NHS England and NHS Improvement in collaboration with the AHSN Network, SBRI Healthcare announces a Phase 3 funding competition open to innovations in an advanced stage of development. The aim is to accelerate these innovations into relevant health or social settings, and to facilitate the generation of evidence in Real World settings required by commissioners…

Your path in research campaign – useful links
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Your path in research campaign – useful links

‘Your path in research’ is a new NIHR campaign which is championing the careers of research-active health professionals. Although the content is mainly aimed at clinical professionals – or people who work with patients in clinical contexts, there are lots of useful resources we want to shout about for researchers who work in non-clinical contexts…

NIHR fellowship application day – 6 October
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NIHR fellowship application day – 6 October

An all-day masterclass on how to improve your chances of success when applying for an NIHR Fellowship. This online event is open to any researcher, clinician and/or academic from across the South Central region (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hampshire, Isle of Wight and Oxfordshire) who is considering an NIHR Fellowship application. Find out more and register via…

Webinar: Develop a competitive Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship application – 6 October
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Webinar: Develop a competitive Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship application – 6 October

Online webinar from NIHR for those wishing to pursue an PCAF application. Webinar topic: Find out how to develop a competitive PCAF application The HEE/NIHR ICA Pre-doctoral Clinical Academic Fellowship (PCAF) supports health and social care practitioners (excluding doctors and dentists) to develop a competitive doctoral fellowship application. The award funds a bespoke training and…

Beneficial Changes Network – submissions of innovations before 22 Oct
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Beneficial Changes Network – submissions of innovations before 22 Oct

The Beneficial Changes Network is now open for a second round of transformation, innovation or improvement submissions from the frontline. This is a fantastic opportunity for mental health researchers and professionals with relevant experience. This round of submissions is not specific to changes which occurred during the pandemic, rather a general invitation for submissions in…

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£30 million NIHR investment offers wide range of funding opportunities for mental health research

A huge new investment in mental health research offers significantly more funding opportunities for mental health researchers in the year ahead. The broad range of programmes will offer opportunities for both early and mid/late career researchers. They specifically target key geographical regions with the most need and include opportunities for researchers in fields not traditionally…

Medical Research Foundation grants for mental health, 27 Sept deadline
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Medical Research Foundation grants for mental health, 27 Sept deadline

Apply now for Launchpad Grants for mental health research from the Medical Research Foundation. The closing date is 27 September. The Medical Research Foundation’s Launchpad Grants will support early and mid-career researchers and clinical academics, whose research will increase understanding of mental health, and improve diagnosis, treatment and recovery. The funding should be used to…

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NIHR Fellowship application day – 6 October

This online workshop organised by the South Central Research Design Service is for researchers who are applying for a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Fellowship. The workshop covers the following NIHR schemes: • Doctoral Research Fellowship • Advanced Fellowship • Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship • Clinical Lecturer • Senior Clinical Lecturer There will be…

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Starting research workshop – 15 September

This workshop organised by the South-Central Research Design Service is for those who are interested in research but don’t know how to get going. It may be of particular interest to those applying for a research-related internship or pre-doctoral fellowship to start a clinical academic career. This workshop will cover: • What makes a good…

Wellcome Trust funding schemes
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Wellcome Trust funding schemes

  The Wellcome Trust have launched three new discovery research funding schemes which can support mental health research projects. The three schemes – early career awards, discovery awards and career development awards – will open in late summer 2021. Find out more about the schemes on the Wellcome Trust website.

Funding, Pre-doctoral no comments

Preparatory research training – Maudsley BRC

Mental Health Biomedical Research Preparatory Clinician Fellowships offer healthcare professionals an opportunity to obtain the necessary research track record, skills and support to compete for externally funded three year Clinician Training Fellowships with NIHR, MRC, Wellcome or other funder. The scheme is available to medical trainees in psychiatry or neurology and to other health professionals…

Archaeology and Mental Health – what’s the connection? A MARCH network interview
MHR Matters, Post-doctoral no comments

Archaeology and Mental Health – what’s the connection? A MARCH network interview

Exploring interdisciplinary stories and novel approaches – from both inside and outside of the networks – is central to what the #MentalHealthResearchMatters team is doing.    So when I heard about a MARCH network Plus Fund project looking at archaeology and mental health, my interest was piqued – what is the connection between archaeology and mental health? A…

Mathematics and mental health – what is the connection? A podcast episode
MHR Matters, Post-doctoral no comments

Mathematics and mental health – what is the connection? A podcast episode

What role can mathematics play in better understanding mental health? We spoke to Professor Terry Lyons, a mathematician whose area of expertise has application in understanding complex data real-world data from multiple sources. He is the principal investigator at DataSig, and part of their work uses mathematics to better understand mental health. This is a transcript…

Mental health research is a team sport
MHR Matters, Post-doctoral no comments

Mental health research is a team sport

Dr Sarah Knowles, Knowledge Mobilisation Research Fellow at the University of York, and Gordon Johnston, peer researcher and Closing the Gap steering committee member, and Mental Health Research Matters steering group member write about the many benefits of multidisciplinary approaches to mental health research “Working across disciplinary and professional boundaries encourages researchers to think bigger about their projects –…

Mental wellbeing doesn’t exist in isolation and mental health research shouldn’t either
MHR Matters, Post-doctoral no comments

Mental wellbeing doesn’t exist in isolation and mental health research shouldn’t either

Promoting a collaborative approach to research is at the heart of the Mental Health Research Matters campaign, with the eight research networks bringing together people from the technology, health, medicine, humanities and environmental science fields.  We spoke to Masuma Mishu, who is a researcher and lecturer in public health and previously worked as a clinical dentist, about…

Interdisciplinary Research: An interview with Professor Kamaldeep Bhui
MHR Matters, Post-doctoral no comments

Interdisciplinary Research: An interview with Professor Kamaldeep Bhui

Professor Kamaldeep Bhui, from the University of Oxford, is one of the leads of the MARCH network’s Special Interest Research Group (SIRG) Interdisciplinary Research Methods. His research priorities include multimorbidity, ethnicity, health inequalities, complex interventions. I had a chat with Professor Bhui to pick his brain about the merits of interdisciplinary research, the challenges that…