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Weekly roundup 23/06/23: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research

Welcome to your weekly roundup of funding, events, and webinars we’ve shared with our followers over on the Mental Health Research Incubator Twitter. Here's what's coming up on the horizon for mental health research:

Weekly roundup 23/06/23: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research
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29 June

MQ Mental Health Postdoctoral Scholarship Webinar

Opportunity: Webinar

Organiser: MQ Mental Health Research

Date: Thursday 29th June 14:30hrs

Location: Online

Cost: Free - register here

30 June

HEE/NIHR Clinical Scholar Programme

Opportunity: Pre- and Post-Doctoral Bridging Programmes

Organiser: University of Nottingham

Eligibility: Clinicians in the East Midlands area who have completed a master degree or equivalent postgraduate qualification (Pre-Doctoral Programme) and clinicians in the East Midlands area who have been awarded a PhD (Post-Doctoral Programme)

Deadline: Apply by 5pm Friday 30 June


4 July

UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships Round 8

Opportunity: Early career research funding, applications now open

Organiser: UK Research and Innovation

Eligibility: Early career researchers

Deadline: Apply by 4pm on Tuesday 4 July

5 July

MQ Mental Health and Wellcome Trust transdisciplinary grant

Opportunity: Webinar for grant. Grant opens 1st July

Organiser: MQ Mental Health

Eligibility: Researchers in any field currently not involved in mental health research

Location: Online

When: Wednesday 5th July, 14:30hrs

6 July

Third UK and Ireland Mental Diversity Law Conference

Opportunity: Hybrid in-person and online conference

Organiser: The Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham

Location: Nottingham

Dates: Thursday 6 and Friday 7 July,  pre-conference on Wednesday 5 July

Cost: From £50

NIHR Advanced Fellowship Round 10

Opportunity: Postdoctoral research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR Fellowship programme

Eligibility: Postdoctoral researchers or clinicians in the UK who do not already hold a position as a Chair

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Thursday 6 July

11 July

Collaborative Community Research to Tackle Health Inequalities

Opportunity: Research Funding, applications now open

Organiser: UK Research and Innovation

Eligibility: Interdisciplinary team / partnership who have or have not participated in previous phases

Deadline: Apply by 4pm on Tuesday 11 July

Policy Research Programme - (36-01-03) - Improving access to mental health support and services for ethnic minority children and young people

Opportunity: Research Funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: UK countries whose research meets DHCS needs

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Tuesday 11 July

Policy Research Programme - (36-01-03) - Improving access to mental health support and services for ethnic minority children and young people

Opportunity: Research Funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: UK countries whose research meets DHCS needs

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Tuesday 11 July

Improving access to mental health support and services for ethnic minority children and young people

Opportunity: Research Funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: UK countries whose research meets DHCS needs

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Tuesday 11 July

12 July

NIHR Research for Patient Benefit - Competition 51

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme

Eligibility: Researchers in England

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Wednesday 12 July

NIHR ARCs national webinar series: Young people's mental health

Opportunity: Webinar

Organiser: NIHR Applied Research Collaborations: South London, Northwest London, and Oxford and Thames Valley

Dates: Wednesday 12 July

Cost: Free

13 July

6th UK and Ireland Implementation Science Research Conference 2023

Opportunity: Hybrid in-person and online conference

Organiser: NIHR ARC South London and the University of Limerick

Location: Limerick

Dates: Thursday 13 and Friday 14 July

Cost: From €62.50

14 July

MQ Mental Health Research postdoctoral scholarship Expression of interest deadline

Opportunity: Postdoctoral research funding, applications open 30 June

Organiser: MQ Mental Health Research

Eligibility: Researchers in England

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Friday 14 July

17 July

Summer School in Youth Mental Health Research

Opportunity: Online summer school

Organiser: The Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health at Cardiff University

Dates: Monday 17 to Wednesday 19 July

Cost: Free

26 July

NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme (HSDR)

Eligibility: Researchers in England

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 26 July

28 July

NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award (DSE)

Opportunity: Post-Doc skills development funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Hold a PhD or MD, no longer required to be Academy members

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Friday 28 July


15 August

NIHR Continuing priority research topics of interest to the PHR Programme

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open - many mental health related workstreams

Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)

Eligibility: Researchers in England without previous PHR Programme funding

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August

NIHR Public Health Research Programme commissioned workstream: Effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing domestic abuse

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)

Eligibility: Researchers in England

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August

NIHR Public Health Research Programme commissioned workstream: Health impacts of having ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)

Eligibility: Researchers in England

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August

NIHR Public Health Research Programme commissioned workstream: Interventions to improve health outcomes for sex workers

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)

Eligibility: Researchers in England

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August

30 August

NIHR Reducing compound pressures on the NHS and social care

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open - many mental health related workstreams

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Researchers falling within remit of at least one participating NIHR Programme

Deadline: Apply by 30 August


5 september

Building your postdoctoral career in mental health research - webinar

Opportunity: Webinar - more details to follow

Organiser: Mental Health Research and NIHR

Date: Tuesday 5 September, 12:30-13:30.

6 September

Refocus on Recovery 2023 international conference

Opportunity: In-person conference

Organiser: The Recovery Research Team at The Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham

Location: Nottingham

Dates: Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 September

Cost: £280

8 September

MQ Mental Health and Wellcome Trust transdisciplinary grant

Opportunity: Short term grant

Organiser: MQ Mental Health

Eligibility: Researchers in any field currently not focused on mental health research

Deadline: 8 September 13:00hrs

20 September

National Mental Health Programme Demand Signalling

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR HSDR

Eligibility: Researchers in the UK

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 20 September

National Learning Disability and Autism Programme Demand Signalling

Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open

Organiser: NIHR HSDR

Eligibility: Researchers in the UK

Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 20 September

29 September

NIHR Nursing & Midwifery NMAHP Post-Doctoral Colloquium

Opportunity: In-person Informational Colloquium

Organiser: NIHR Nursing and Midwifery Incubator

Location: London

Dates: Friday 29 September, register interest by end of July

Cost: Free - limited spaces


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31 October

UKRI Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund

Opportunity: Research Funding

Organiser: UKRI

Eligibility: UK based researchers looking to increase opportunities and reduce disparities in economic, health and social outcomes for people and places across the UK

Deadline: Tuesday 31st October 14:00hrs


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