Explainer, Funding, Post-doctoral, Pre-doctoral

Starting out in clinical research: a video guide series by ARC Wessex

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Considering a career in clinical research is really exciting, but can also seem quite daunting. Questions such as ‘is it right for me?’, ‘who will support me?’ and ‘what should I put in my application?’ can seem overwhelming.

NIHR ARC Wessex recognized this and have recently produced a series of 10 videos to act as a guide to help you out. They cover everything from ‘What is clinical research’ shown below, through how to find a mentor and completing a good application, to involving patients and the public in your research.

These are great videos to answer many clinical research specific questions. However, several of them will also be helpful for people considering a career in research of any kind so are really worth a look for anyone at the pre-doctoral phase of their careers.


Head over to ARC Wessex to see the whole series.


If you are thinking of taking the next step into clinical research, we also have some great case studies from researchers who have done the same, such as this one by Dr. Layla Mofrad



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