20 March
Writing for a lay audience
Opportunity: Webinar - A two hour course teaching the fundamentals on writing for a lay audience, focusing things such as: key messages, cutting word count, words and phrases to avoid and using active language
Who's it for: Health research and clinical professionals
Organiser: NIHR ARC West
Location: Online. Apply here MUST APPLY BY TUESDAY 27 FEBRUARY
Date/Time: 1000-1200 Wednesday 20 March.
Cost: Free but must apply
21 March
Team Science Award Round 1 - Multiple Long Term Conditions
Opportunity: Research Funding - up to £100,000 designed to support inter-disciplinary research teams to collaborate on a future application to other research programmes, expand their research network and develop capacity in the MLTC-M field
Who's it for: inter-disciplinary teams with professional experience within MLTC-M research, or a demonstrated interest in this area
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Any researchers covered under NIHR's remit who have a team. Do not have to have taken part in the Team Science Camp
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 21 March.
26 March
Discover how to excel at presenting and public speaking
Opportunity: Webinar - Aimed at helping you overcome the fear of public speaking and improve your ability to present messages in an engaging way, both in person and virtually.
Who's it for: Any NIHR academy members or those working a publicly funded institution.
Organiser: NIHR
Location: Online. Register here
Date/Time: 1300-1400 26 March.
Cost: Free
An Introduction to Implementation Science: new online module
Opportunity: Online Training - Online CPD-accredited 6 week training module about the study of methods to support the application of evidence and researcher findings in health and social care policy and practice.
Who's it for: Anyone interested in learning more about implementation science. Delivered at MSc level by KCL and UEA lecturers. Can take the course and be based outside of the UK
Organiser: NIHR South London
Location: Online. Register here
Date/Time: 1300-1400 26 March.
Cost: Varied. Full course fees £1875, discounts available depending on location/ARC membership. Details here
27 March
Pre-Application Support Fund
Opportunity: Funding - Up to 12 months of support to help prepare an application to one of the major career advancement grants.
Who's it for: Researchers working within an area covered by one of the larger NIHR grants. NIHR is particularly encouraging applications from people working as an AHP, social care or public health professionals and methodology researchers.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers hosted by an English institution or body
Deadline: 27 March.
Pharmacy Research UK 2024 Funding round - CMHP-PRUK
Opportunity: Funding - Pharmacy Research UK has several funding schemes open, however, of most interest to mental health researchers is a research award with CMHP for pharmacists looking at ways to help those with mental illness - up to £20k over <20 months.
Who's it for: CMHP members who are looking at medicine safety, relapse prevention, mental health services or public mental health issues.
Eligibility: CMHP members based in the UK
Deadline: 1300 Wendesday 27 March.
28 March
Undergraduate Student Internship Programme
Opportunity: Internship Funding - Funding to complete an internship in one of the nine member institutions to encourage talented students to consider a career in academic primary care.
Who's it for: students interested in joining an established research team and gaining skills in primary care focused research.
Organiser: NIHR SPCR
Eligibility: students on any undergraduate degree course at any university in the UK
Deadline: Thursday 28 March 13:00
Pre-Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship
Opportunity: Masters Funding - Funding to complete masters level training in advance of a PhD fellowship. Fellowship covers salary costs and up to £5000 towards training/course fees.
Who's it for: people employed by a local authority, provider of local authority commissioned services or a non-profit working on behalf of
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Can have little formal academic background up to already having some masters level training. Must be applying for masters level training or a research masters degree.
Deadline: 28 March.
NIHR Three Schools Investigator Led Call
Opportunity: Research Funding - Funding to conduct research in the mental health of specific groups with priority given to Suicide prevention in high-risk groups (including those working in the agricultural sector and young men), Mental health in pregnancy, Prison mental health, Mental health in different religious groups, Mental health in military veterans.
Who's it for: Anyone working in mental health research, with or without a PhD
Organiser: NIHR SPCR
Eligibility: Lead applicant must be part of one of the Three Schools, team must have more than one School represented
Deadline: Apply by 15:30 28 March.
NIHR Three Schools Postdoctoral Launching Fellowship
Opportunity: Research Fellowship- Funding for early career researchers to support progress towards an independent research career and forge research networks.
Who's it for: Postdocs who are early career and at one of the universities who are a member of one of the Three Schools
Organiser: NIHR SPCR
Eligibility: Lead applicant must be part of one of the Three Schools and must have an existing collaboration with someone at one of the other schools
Deadline: Apply by 15:30 28 March.
NIHR Three Schools Masters Fellowship
Opportunity: Masters Fellowship- Funding to take part in a masters programme to gain skills to develop a research career. Course to start in September 2024
Who's it for: Priority given to frontline health and social care workers
Organiser: NIHR SPCR
Eligibility: People who do not have a masters level, or higher, qualification.
Deadline: Apply by 15:30 28 March.
3 April
Programme Grants for Applied Research - Competition 44
Opportunity: Research Funding - awards average £2-2.5m over 5 years, but can be larger.
Who's it for?: Researchers addressing local and/or national priorities in health, public health or social care
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK, based at either an NHS authority or an HEI if appropriate (new scheme remit)
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 3 April.
16 April
Wellcome Discovery Awards
Opportunity: Research Funding - awards of between £700k-£8m over up to 8 years (average award £3.5m/7 years) for established researchers looking to make a major contribution to their field.
Who's it for?: Lead applicant must be a significant researcher in their field and can be in any area of research as long as it is making a contribution to improving human life and aligns with the Wellcome remit
Organiser: Wellcome
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK, Republic of Ireland or a Low or middle income country (excl. India or mainland China)
Deadline: Apply by 17:00 16 April.
23 April
Essential Guide to Grant Applications
Opportunity: Online Training- Three day online masterclass on writing strong, convincing grant applications
Who's it for: Anyone considering writing a grant application who needs some support to get started or may have been unsuccessful in the past/
Organiser: NIHR RSS
Location: Online - apply here
Date/Time: 23 - 25 April, full day sessions
Cost: Free
Men's mental health
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What interventions are effective in promoting good mental health, or preventing poor mental health, among men?
Who's it for?: Researchers looking at group or population level interventions in men's mental health. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar on 6 February
Interventions to support women in prison or post-release commissioning brief
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What interventions are effective in promoting the physical and mental health of women in prison or post-release?
Who's it for: Researchers looking at mental (and physical health) interventions in women in prison and after release, either for issues arising from incarceration or the reasons for imprisonment. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1015-1130 on 6 February
Faith-based groups and the impacts on health and health inequalities
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: How can engagement with faith-based groups impact health and health inequalities?
Who's it for: Researchers looking at the positive impact faith-based groups might have on mental health, on a population of group level. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK.
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1015-1130 on 6 February
Healthy homes
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What are the health and health inequality impacts of interventions affecting the physical quality of UK housing?
Who's it for: Researchers looking at a range of aspects of housing conditions and the impact they have on mental (and/or physical) health. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK.
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1015-1130 on 6 February
Climate change and health
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What are the impacts of local authority led interventions aimed at climate change mitigation and/or adaptation on health and inequalities?
Who's it for: Researchers looking at the impact on mental (and/or physical) health of local level policies and interventions for managing climate change. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK.
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April.
What are the health and health inequality impacts of being outdoors for children and young people?
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What interventions lead to children and young people spending more time outdoors in ways that improve their health and reduce health inequalities?
Who's it for: Researchers looking at mental (and physical health) impacts of outdoors time, and whether opportunities and benefits are equal. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April.
Workforce health
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What are the most effective interventions that organisations can adopt to improve the physical and mental health of the UK workforce?
Who's it for: Researchers looking at any form of intervention which might improve the mental health of employees. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April.
Continuing areas of research interest to the PHR Programme
Opportunity: Research Funding - various programmes with a public health focus which have a mental health aspect to them. Many have been previously posted but applications were low and so are still open.
Who's it for: If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April.
24 April
RfPB Under-represented disciplines and specialisms highlight notice: Allied Health Professionals
Opportunity: Research Funding - proposals up to £500,000 for a period of up to three years. Please note that all applicants are required to submit an expression of interest by 26 March 2024 before proceeding to Stage 1 application submission.
Who's it for: AHPs who are early career with novel ideas for research and have the backing and support of established researchers.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers in any UK country
Deadline: Apply by 13:00 24 April. Webinar 14:00 15 January
Machine Learning in Mental Health Research workshop
Opportunity: Webinar - The 4th MQ and DATAMIND workshop for Early Career Researchers (ECR) focusing on machine learning, starting with fundamentals and progressing to running basic machine learning analysis on synthetic mental health data.
Who's it for: ECR's in Mental Health Research: aimed at beginners and curious learners with a basic familiarity with R
Location: Awen Institute Swansea University, Singleton Park, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 8PP - Get Ticket here
Date/Time: 1000 - 1600 24 April.
Cost: £15
8 May
Health Inequalities in Early Life - NIHR ARCs National Webinars One
Opportunity: Webinar - NIHR ARCs national #ARCseminar on health inequalities in early life. Topics include maternity, ethnicity, mental health and care-leavers.
Who's it for?: Anyone interested in health inequalities in early life
Organiser: NIHR ARC's
Location: Online - Register here
Date/Time: 1300-1400 Wednesday 8 May
Cost: Free.
Launchpad Grants in Mental Health
Opportunity: Research Funding - funding up to £100k over up to 2 years for mid-career researchers to help support their research and/prepare for larger funding
Who's it for: Researchers focusing on increasing understanding of mental health, and improving diagnosis, treatment and recovery.
Organiser: Medical Research Foundation
Eligibility: Researchers with a doctoral level qualification at an eligible institution (UK HEI, Research councils, hospitals, other independent research institutions)
Deadline: Apply by Noon Wednesday 8 May
27 May
Mental Health Research UK - PhD Scholarship Competition 2025
Opportunity: PhD Scholarship Funding - funding for 2 PhD Scholarships in maternal mental health
Who's it for: Universities with relevant faculty members who wish to apply for funding to host a student to study maternal mental health
Organiser: Mental Health Research UK
Eligibility: Universities in the UK
Deadline: Apply by Midnight 27 May
26 September
Application Development Award for Health and Care Professionals
Opportunity: Application Development funding - funding of up to £150k for up to 10 ADA's to help support work needed to submit a competitive research application for larger funding
Who's it for: Health and Care professionals: Nurses, Midwives, Pharmacists, Healthcare scientists and Allied Health Professionals.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Applicants must hold or be about to be awarded a PhD or have equivalent demonstrable research knowledge and experience.
Deadline: Apply by 1300 26 September. WEBINAR - 20 March 1000-1100, email crossprogramme@nihr.ac.uk to register