17 July
Summer School in Youth Mental Health Research
Opportunity: Online summer school
Organiser: The Wolfson Centre for Young People's Mental Health at Cardiff University
Dates: Monday 17 to Wednesday 19 July
Cost: Free
26 July
NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR Health and Social Care Delivery Research Programme (HSDR)
Eligibility: Researchers in England
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 26 July
28 July
NIHR Development and Skills Enhancement Award (DSE)
Opportunity: Post-Doc skills development funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Hold a PhD or MD, no longer required to be Academy members
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on Friday 28 July
7 August
Mental Health Research for All - ARC North Thames
Opportunity: Research internships, career development fellowships, springboard grants
Organiser: NIHR ARC North Thames
Eligibility: Anyone working in North Thames region looking to get into research
Deadline: Apply by 7 August
15 August
NIHR Continuing priority research topics of interest to the PHR Programme
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open - many mental health related workstreams
Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)
Eligibility: Researchers in England without previous PHR Programme funding
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August
NIHR Public Health Research Programme commissioned workstream: Effectiveness of interventions aimed at preventing domestic abuse
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)
Eligibility: Researchers in England
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August
NIHR Public Health Research Programme commissioned workstream: Health impacts of having ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)
Eligibility: Researchers in England
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August
NIHR Public Health Research Programme commissioned workstream: Interventions to improve health outcomes for sex workers
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR Public Health Research Programme (PHR)
Eligibility: Researchers in England
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 15 August
30 August
NIHR Reducing compound pressures on the NHS and social care
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open - many mental health related workstreams
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers falling within remit of at least one participating NIHR Programme
Deadline: Apply by 30 August
5 september
Building your postdoctoral career in mental health research - webinar
Opportunity: Webinar - more details to follow
Organiser: Mental Health Research and NIHR
Date: Tuesday 5 September, 12:30-13:30.
6 September
Refocus on Recovery 2023 international conference
Opportunity: In-person conference
Organiser: The Recovery Research Team at The Institute of Mental Health at the University of Nottingham
Location: Nottingham
Dates: Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7 September
Cost: £280
8 September
MQ Mental Health and Wellcome Trust transdisciplinary grant
Opportunity: Short term grant
Organiser: MQ Mental Health
Eligibility: Researchers in any field currently not focused on mental health research
Deadline: 8 September 13:00hrs
20 September
National Mental Health Programme Demand Signalling
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR HSDR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 20 September
National Learning Disability and Autism Programme Demand Signalling
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR HSDR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 20 September
23/89 Series 1: Overcoming ethnicity-based inequities in access and experience of health and care services
Opportunity: Research funding, applications now open
Organiser: NIHR HSDR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK
Deadline: Apply by 1pm on 20 September
29 September
NIHR Nursing & Midwifery NMAHP Post-Doctoral Colloquium
Opportunity: In-person Informational Colloquium
Organiser: NIHR Nursing and Midwifery Incubator
Location: London
Dates: Friday 29 September, register interest by end of July
Cost: Free - limited spaces
31 October
UKRI Creating Opportunities Evaluation Development Fund
Opportunity: Research Funding
Organiser: UKRI
Eligibility: UK based researchers looking to increase opportunities and reduce disparities in economic, health and social outcomes for people and places across the UK
Deadline: Tuesday 31st October 14:00hrs
12 December
23/86 Reducing health inequalities related to ethnicity by influencing the wider determinants of health
Opportunity: Research Funding
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers looking to address the wider determinants of health for ethnic minorities in the UK
Deadline: Tuesday 12 December, 13:00hrs. Webinar on October 17th 11:15 - 12:30hrs
23/82 Suicide prevention in high risk groups
Opportunity: Research Funding
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers studying interventions for groups with high risk of suicide
Deadline: Tuesday 12 December, 13:00hrs. Webinar on October 17th 11:15 - 12:30hrs
23/83 Workforce health
Opportunity: Research Funding
Organiser: NIHR PHR
Eligibility: Researchers studying interventions for organisations to improve workforce physical and mental health
Deadline: Tuesday 12 December, 13:00hrs. Webinar on October 17th 11:15 - 12:30hrs
29 December
Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme
Opportunity: Research Funding
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers looking for funds to conduct rapid baseline data collection, as well as other feasibility work, prior to intervention implementation, for unique, time-limited opportunities
Deadline: Friday 29th December 2023