‘Solving the crisis in mental health services: global solutions across the life span’ is an international mental health conference held in Glasgow. It’s a great opportunity for mental health researchers interested in global mental health issues to get together and share research.
Now in its 5th year, this annual conference run by the CeDAR team and University of Glasgow will happen on Friday 21 June in Glasgow.
Presentations/agenda on the day will be:
Dr Gauri Divan – Keynote – Director of the Child Development Group, Sangath, India- Innovating for Autism in India
Dr Pattie Gonsalves – Project Director, Mental Health Research, Sangath, India – Innovations for adolescent and youth mental health: Case studies from India
Lea Milligan– CEO MQ Mental Health – Experts by Experience Debate
Professor Helen Minnis – Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, and Dr Ruchika Gajwani – Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Psychology, both University of Glasgow – Scaling up mental health support through building partnerships
Dr Ethel Nakimuli-Mpungu – Keynote – Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Makerere University Kampala, Uganda – Together We Heal: Unravelling the mechanisms of group support psychotherapy
This will be a one day conference and costs £90 (£70 for students).
For more information, including contact information, see their website here
Are you thinking of attending? Have any tips for first time conference attendees generally? Let us know over on Twitter/X @MHRIncubator