
NIHR ARCs mental health research opportunities – Spring-Summer 2023

NIHR ARCs mental health research opportunities – Spring-Summer 2023
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To mark the new  NIHR ARCs national webinars: Mental health and our modern world, kicking off on Web 17 May (see #NIHRARCs or #ARCseminar on Twitter), we’ve collated all the current NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs) opportunities aimed at those looking to get into and progress their mental health research careers.

Listed below are details of local opportunties per Applied Research Collaboration (ARC):

  • ARC Wessex – mental health research internships

ARC Wessex is pleased to be offering six internships specific to mental health research.  These unique opportunities are open to anyone working in or with mental health or social care services across the Wessex region, including staff from NHS Trusts, universities, local government, health, social care or community care organisations, charities and the voluntary sector. Find out more and apply.

  • ARC North Thames – Research Internships, Career Development Fellowships, and Springboard Funding awards

ARC North Thames (ARC NT) will have a third call for funded opportunities advertised for Research Internships, Career Development Fellowships, and Springboard Funding awards by the end of June 2023. Please check this page to stay up to date. Also in June, the Mental Health Research for All (MH-ALL) project team will run an in-person series of learning dialogues to co-produce training entitled “’Research Champions for Social Change” for Peer Support Workers. This project is running in collaboration with Citizens UK, the Co-Production Collective and others TBC. If you are interested in participating, please contact Fran Zanatta via email:

On 5 July, ARC North Thames will be running an event mapping the intersections of community organising and mental health research and practice. If interested in participating, please contact Fran Zanatta via email:

MH-ALL is also running a series of trainings, the first of which was entitled “Research Champion Training” on 16 May in Bloomsbury, London. The second, “Getting into Research”, will take place in October 2023.

  • ARC Kent, Surry, Sussex – Individual Development Awards

ARC Kent, Surry and Sussex (ARC KSS) is offering Individual Development Awards – Springboard for individuals wanting to build research skills in the area of Children and Young People’s mental health or related areas.  Closing date is 5pm,  31 August 2023.  View advert, guidance, application form. Check this page to stay up to date with future opportunities in ARC KSS generally.

  • ARC North-West London – mental health network

ARC North-West London (ARC NWL) has a Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Network.

  • ARC East of England – fellowship programme

ARC East of England (ARC EoE) will be recruiting later this year for their flagship Fellowship Programme aimed at clinicians, health and social care practitioners, voluntary sector staff and healthcare managers across the East of England. This opportunity is for those who would like to work at the interface of research and practice, with mental-health related projects able to be aligned to any of our Themes including Mental Health over the Life Course. 

ARC EoE will also be recruiting two summer interns in the East of England. This opportunity is for undergraduate students at the University of Hertfordshire and University of Essex to gain experience in working on a mental health project. The next round of applications will open in June 2023.


For more information on the NIHR Applied Research Collaborations, see this MHR Incubator blog: What is an ARC? (and other questions you wanted to ask)

To keep up-to-date with the latest opportunities from all ARCs across the country, follow @NIHRARCs on Twitter and subscribe to the monthly national NIHR ARCs newsletter.

To join the webinars, book here.