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Weekly roundup 10/11/23: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research

Welcome to your weekly roundup of funding, events, and webinars we’ve shared with our followers over on the Mental Health Research Incubator Twitter. Here's what's coming up on the horizon for mental health research:

Weekly roundup 10/11/23: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research
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14 November

Mental Health Award: Understanding how anxiety and trauma related problems develop, persist and resolve

Opportunity: Research Funding - This call will fund research that advances scientific understanding of the causal mechanisms through which brain, body and environment interact over time in the development, persistence and resolution of anxiety- and trauma-related disorders.

Who's it for: members of a team working on mental health research in any discipline. They are strongly encouraging applications from diverse and interdisciplinary teams, with collaborations covering multiple areas of expertise (for example, biological, psychological and social) along with researchers at any stage of their career, including early career researchers and/or those who are new to the field of mental health science.

Organiser: Wellcome

Eligibility: multi-focal researchers with work in low and middle income countries, from any country other than China

Deadline: Apply by 17:00, Tuesday 14 November.

15 November

King's PhD Programme in Mental Health Research for Health Professionals

Opportunity: Funded PhD - This PhD programme is aimed at doctors, nurses, clinical psychologists and allied healthcare practitioners across a diverse range of topics relevant to mental health science. It covers salary costs, university fees, research expenses up to £50,000, along with support for travel and training.

Who's it for: Doctors, nurses, clinical psychologists and allied healthcare practitioners across a diverse range of topics relevant to mental health science including clinicians both from within and outside disciplines traditionally involved in mental health research

Organiser: King's College London and Wellcome

Eligibility: Health professionals who have completed their undergraduate training and are registered with a national professional regulatory body

Deadline: Apply by 13:00, Wednesday 15 November.

NIHR & RCPCH Programme Development Grant Webinar

Opportunity: webinar -Informational webinar to ask questions about the NIHR child health and welbeing grants

Who's it for: Any researchers looking to submit an application to the call

Organiser: NIHR

Location: Online - register here

Date/Time: 1400 on 15 November

Cost: Free

16 November

Career Development Awards

Opportunity: Research Funding - This scheme provides funding for researchers who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. Funding is for around 8 years to cover salary and research activities.

Who's it for: Mid-career researchers from any discipline that has the potential to improve human life, health and wellbeing. Applicants must have completed one or two substantial periods of research after your initial training.

Organiser: Wellcome

Eligibility: Researchers in UK, ROI or low/middle income countries

Deadline: Apply by 17:00, Thursday 16 November.

17 November

Psych Pharm Techs - Inspirational working practice in mental health

Opportunity: One day training - Psych Pharm Techs is a best-practice sharing event for pharmacy technicians of any grade working in mental health. It is a course designed for pharmacy technicians, by pharmacy technicians.

Who's it for: Suitable for people embarking on new, perhaps more clinical, roles as well as to senior staff seeking to hear more about services being developed across the UK.

Organiser: The College of Mental Health Pharmacy

Location: Birmingham

Date/Time: 17 November

Cost: £150 for CMHP members, £175 for non-members

23 November

Local Authority SPARC

Opportunity: Research Funding - You can apply for up to £15,000 to undertake a bespoke short placement in a part of the NIHR/local authority. Applications are short/light-touch and will be assessed in open competition.

Who's it for: Individuals based in a local authority setting who would like to undertake a short placement in a part of the NIHR/academia OR NIHR Academy members supported in a part of NIHR Infrastructure, an HPRU or an NIHR School who would like to undertake a short placement in a local authority/provider of local authority commissioned service setting.

Organiser: NIHR 

Eligibility: Individuals in a local authority in England/NIHR academy members

Deadline: 13:00 Thursday 23 November.

Webinar for PHR Climate change and Health call

Opportunity: webinar -Informational webinar to ask questions about the NIHR PHR call. Is likely to be followed by a workshop in early 2024.

Who's it for: Any researchers looking to submit an application to the call

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Location: Online - register here

Date/Time: 23 November, 1100-noon

Cost: Free

Forensic mental health aspects of intellectual disability and autism: An update

Opportunity: Virtual CPD training - essential update on forensic mental health aspects of neurodevelopmental disorders, including intellectual disability and autism

Who's it for: RSM members or non-members who work in forensic mental health

Organiser: The Royal Society of Medicine

Location: Online

Date/Time: 23 November,  09:15-16:45

Cost: Cost varies by RSM membership

29 November

This. Space 2023

Opportunity: Virtual conference - Two day virtual conference featuring general discussion and sessions on a range of health care related topics, including delivery and policy.

Who's it for: Researchers, patients, carers, NHS staff and anyone with an interest in the evidence base for improving the quality and safety of healthcare.

Organiser: This.Institute

Location: Online - register here

Date/Time: 29 & 30 November

Cost: Free

23/97 Pairing a child or young person in care with a non-related adult for regular social meetings and skills training

Opportunity: Research Funding - For research addressing the question: Does pairing a child or young person in care with a non-related adult for regular social meetings and skills training improve mental health/mental resilience, prevent adolescent risk behaviours and improve inter-personal relationships when compared to current standard of care?

Who's it for: NIHR strongly encourages the inclusion of nurses, midwives and allied health professionals within well-developed research teams responding to this call

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: researchers in NI and Scotland should contact NIHR about eligibility to apply

Deadline: Apply by 13:00, Wednesday 29 November.

23/40 Supporting the mental health of birth mothers at risk of recurrent care proceedings

Opportunity: Research Funding - For research addressing the question: What programmes are used to improve emotional wellbeing and reduce the cycle of repeated care proceedings for women who have had a baby taken immediately into care, and how effective are they?

Who's it for: NIHR strongly encourages the inclusion of nurses, midwives and allied health professionals within well-developed research teams responding to this call

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: researchers in NI and Scotland should contact NIHR about eligibility to apply

Deadline: Apply by 13:00, Wednesday 29 November.

Programme Grants for Applied Research - Competition 43

Opportunity: Research Funding -research proposals to develop individual programmes of applied health research now including funding for research capacity development, across all stages of the academic career pathway

Who's it for: All NHS bodies and other providers of NHS services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may propose programmes, in collaboration with an appropriate academic partner or partners

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Researchers in all countries of the UK

Deadline: Apply by 13:00, Wednesday 29 November.

30 November

Pre-Application Support Fund

Opportunity: Research Funding - The Pre-Application Support Fund is a new scheme providing extra support to those who need it to enhance their chances of making a successful application to an NIHR career development scheme in the future. Funding can be requested for up to 12 months to develop an application for an NIHR career development scheme.

Who's it for: open to individuals that require additional support to prepare an application for NIHR career development funding. Applications from groups and professions under-represented within NIHR are strongly encouraged.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Researchers eligible to apply for one of NIHR's career development funds

Deadline: Apply by 13:00, Thursday 30 November.

NIHR Associate Principal Investigator Scheme Educational Event

Opportunity: Webinar/educational event - opportunity to find out more about the associate PI scheme for health and social care professionals

Who's it for: anyone working in a health and social care role who is interested in becoming a PI in the future and wants to learn more about the scheme

Organiser: NIHR

Location: Online

Date/Time: 30 November,  0900-1230

Cost: free


6 December

Mental Health Research Development Award

Opportunity: Research Funding - This award is designed to support higher education institutions (HEI) to carry out targeted preparatory work to develop a competitive Mental Health Research Group (MHRG) application - up to £150,000, up to 12 months

Who's it for: Development Awards are aimed at HEIs that have some pre-existing applied mental health research capacity (in the sense that they feel they have a team which could apply for an MHRG) but are not currently in a position to apply for a MHRG in Round 1.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: HEI's with limited or no mental health research capacity who wish to expand

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 Wednesday 6 December. Webinar on October 10th

NIHR Research Professorships

Opportunity: Research Funding - A 5 year award to fund research leaders of the future to promote effective translation of research and strengthen health, public health and care research leadership at the highest academic levels, including funds for 3 support posts, research costs and a development and leadership programme.

Who's it for: Candidates must demonstrate they are on a steep career trajectory over the last 5-10 years and are on course to becoming an outstanding research leader.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: members of HEI's, the NHS or any other health, public health or care body in England

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 Wednesday 6 December.

7 December

NIHR Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (DLAF) scheme Round 2 

Opportunity: PhD Funding for local authority employees  - The NIHR Doctoral Local Authority Fellowship (DLAF) scheme supports individuals based within local authorities and supporting services to undertake fully funded PhDs. These fully funded doctoral fellowships allow awardees to retain their existing employment contracts and salaries, whilst protecting their time to undertake a research doctorate, academic training, professional development and some appropriate continued practice.

Who's it for: Individuals based within local authorities and supporting services - support is required from an English local authority and an English university, and must plan to hold a contract of employment with one of these organisations for the hours and duration of the fellowship.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Local authority employees looking for undertake a PhD during a sabbatical from current role.

Deadline: Apply by 7 December.

12 December

23/86 Reducing health inequalities related to ethnicity by influencing the wider determinants of health

Opportunity: Research Funding - To address the question: For people from ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK, what is the impact on health inequalities of interventions that influence the wider determinants of health?

Who's it for: Researchers who propose to evaluate interventions that have the potential to impact health inequalities

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers looking to address the wider determinants of health for ethnic minorities in the UK

Deadline: Tuesday 12 December, 13:00. Webinar on October 17th 11:15 - 12:30hrs

23/82 Suicide prevention in high risk groups

Opportunity: Research Funding - For research addressing the question: Which interventions, aimed at people at high risk of suicide or suicide attempts, are effective in reducing the rate of suicide and suicide attempts?

Who's it for: Researchers looking at which interventions aimed at groups at high risk of suicide and suicide attempts are effective in contributing to the reduction of suicide attempts and suicide

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers studying interventions for groups with high risk of suicide

Deadline: Tuesday 12 December, 13:00. Webinar on October 17th 11:15 - 12:30hrs

23/83 Workforce health

Opportunity: Research Funding - For research addressing the question: What are the most effective interventions that organisations can adopt to improve the physical and mental health of the UK workforce?

Who's it for: Researchers addressing: (i) on extended working lives, and (ii) on the mental wellbeing of workers in Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), the gig economy and specific occupations.

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers studying interventions for organisations to improve workforce physical and mental health

Deadline: Tuesday 12 December, 13:00. Webinar on October 17th 11:15 - 12:30hrs

14 December

23/142 HSDR National Evaluation Teams 2023

Opportunity: Research Funding - fund up to 3 national evaluation teams, ready and prepared to conduct, at short notice, substantive, in-depth assessments of large-scale service changes. Each team will have a contract of up to £3m over 5 years.

Who's it for: High-quality research team(s), with experience and a track-record in mixed-method evaluation, to be ready and prepared to conduct, at short notice, substantive, in-depth and timely 'alongside evaluations' of large-scale service changes

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researcher teams with the skills, expertise and experience to deliver the project.

Deadline: EOI Thursday 14 December, 13:00.

15 December

Early Career Researchers Funding

Opportunity: Funding for career development support - funding for up to 8 ECRs to support networking activities, conference attendance, cross-training activities (e.g., ECR working in mental health training to develop their skills in circadian biology), mentoring visits (supporting ECR visits to their mentors’ labs to learn and develop new skills), and public engagement activities.

Who's it for: Early Career Researchers (ECRs) at any ECR career stage

Organiser: Circadian Mental Health Network

Eligibility: ECRs working at the intersection of mental health, sleep and circadian science.

Deadline:  Friday 15 December

Mental Health Researcher Taster Days for FY2 Medics

Opportunity: Research experience  - Placement in a relevant research area and location for medical students to get a hands-on taste of what working in mental health research might be like.

Who's it for: FY2 Medics who have an interest in mental health research, or who want to experience research as a career option

Organiser: NIHR Mental Health Missions

Eligibility: FY2 medics in any of the devolved countries. Apply here

Deadline:  Friday 15 December, 1700

20 December

PhD Programme for Primary Care Clinicians

Opportunity: Funding for PhD - Up to 5 PhD studentships will be awarded annually to clinicians of all disciplines working in UK primary care. These studentships can be hosted at one of the 10 primary care research departments who are part of this consortium.

Who's it for: practice nurses; health visitors; dentists, primary care pharmacists; optometrists working in primary care and general practitioners.

Organiser: NIHR SPCR

Eligibility: Clinicians working in UK primary care

Deadline:  Wednesday 20December

29 December

Public Health Research Programme Rapid Funding Scheme

Opportunity: Research Funding - Funding specifically to conduct rapid baseline data collection, as well as other feasibility work, prior to intervention implementation, for unique, time-limited opportunities such as a natural experiment or similar evaluations of a new public health intervention -  £50,000 or less and a duration of six months or less.

Who's it for: researchers working on opportunities that demonstrate urgency and uniqueness.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Researchers looking for funds to conduct rapid baseline data collection, as well as other feasibility work, prior to intervention implementation, for unique, time-limited opportunities

Deadline: Friday 29th December


16 January

Mental Health Research Group Award

Opportunity: Research Funding -  Funding aimed at increasing the national capacity to deliver mental health research by funding HEI's with little to no MH research capacity and partnering them with experienced institutions for guidance.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: HEI's with limited or no mental health research capacity who wish to expand

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 Tuesday 16 January. Webinar on October 10th

Mental Health Research Leaders Awards

Opportunity: Research Funding - The Mental Health Research Leaders Award is designed to support an individual in a higher education institutions (HEIs) with a strategic interest in undertaking targeted and applied mental health research that will be directly beneficial for the local communities and health and care system, who currently lack the institutional capacity to do so. Leader Awards can be for up to £2.5m, up to 5 years,

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: members of HEI's, the NHS or any other health, public health or care body in England

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 Tuesday 16 January. Webinar on October 10th

18 January

NIHR Advanced Fellowship Round 11

Opportunity: Postdoc Funding - Intended for anyone who is in postdoctoral but has not obtained a professorial post. The Advanced Fellowship supports individuals undertaking research in any scientific discipline or sector that can demonstrate a contribution to improving health and/or care. It funds salary and research activities  for between 2-5 years.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Proposed Host Organisation must be an English or a participating devolved nation HEI, NHS body, social care organisation or other provider of health and/or care services.

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 Thursday 18 January.

23/141 HSDR Researcher-led call

Opportunity: Research Funding -Address an issue of major strategic importance to the NHS or Social Care, with the cost in line with the significance of the problem to be investigated. NIHR will fund a range of projects in both size and duration. Value for money will be an important consideration and project costs will be carefully scrutinised and must be well justified.

Who's it for: Individuals and teams of researchers focusing on NHS or social care outcomes

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: Researchers in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 Thursday 18 January.


6 February

NIHR PHR Calls Webinar

Opportunity: Webinar - for several of the PHR calls: Mens Mental Health; Interventions to support women in prison or post-release; Faith-based groups and the impacts on health and health inequalities; Healthy homes.

Who's it for: Any researchers interested in submitting an application/in process of writing an application to any of the above programmes

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Location: online - register on any of the call pages, eg. here

Date/Time: 1015-1130 6 February

Cost: Free


23 April

Men's mental health

Opportunity: Research Funding -  Research Question: What interventions are effective in promoting good mental health, or preventing poor mental health, among men?

Who's it for?: Researchers looking at group or population level interventions in men's mental health. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April 2024. Webinar on 6 February

Interventions to support women in prison or post-release commissioning brief

Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What interventions are effective in promoting the physical and mental health of women in prison or post-release?

Who's it for: Researchers looking at mental (and physical health) interventions in women in prison and after release, either for issues arising from incarceration or the reasons for imprisonment. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1015-1130 on 6 February

Faith-based groups and the impacts on health and health inequalities

Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: How can engagement with faith-based groups impact health and health inequalities?

Who's it for: Researchers looking at the positive impact faith-based groups might have on mental health, on a population of group level. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK.

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1015-1130 on 6 February

Healthy homes

Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What are the health and health inequality impacts of interventions affecting the physical quality of UK housing?

Who's it for: Researchers looking at a range of aspects of housing conditions and the impact they have on mental (and/or physical) health. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK.

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1015-1130 on 6 February

Climate change and health

Opportunity: Research Funding - Research Question: What are the impacts of local authority led interventions aimed at climate change mitigation and/or adaptation on health and inequalities?

Who's it for: Researchers looking at the impact on mental (and/or physical) health of local level policies and interventions for managing climate change. If from England and not had PHR funding before, must contact PHRADA first.

Organiser: NIHR PHR

Eligibility: Researchers from any of the devolved nations of the UK.

Deadline: Apply by 13:00 23 April. Webinar at 1100-1200 on 23 November 



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