14 March: UKRI Policy Fellowships 2023 applicant webinar, hosted by UK Research and Innovation. This free webinar will detail the scope and application process of the fellowship and include discussions with current fellows.
15 March: NIHR Three Research Schools Seminar Series: Collaborating to develop holistic health support for people living with severe mental illness hosted by NIHR School for Primary Care Research. Featured speakers: Emily Oliver and Ilaria Pina from Newcastle University and peer researcher Sue Webster. Email joining requests to Krysia Canvin, k.canvin@keele.ac.uk
20 April: Engaging with policy makers: can your research influence policy? hosted by NIHR and Professor Annette Boaz, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
21 April: Benefits of the Outdoors on Well-Being & Mental Health hosted by the Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health.
25 April: NIHR Fellowships: Developing a competitive application hosted by the NIHR Research Design Service Yorkshire and Humber. This online session is for researchers and health professionals who want to develop and submit a fellowship application and have an idea of their research topic/area.
25–26 April: Health Inequalities: from evidence to action virtual conference hosted by The King's Fund.
26 April: Psychosis; Schizophrenia, Hearing Voices, and the Language of ‘Madness’ hosted by the Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health.
17 May: NIHR School for Primary Care Research webinar presenting research on children and young people's mental health before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conferences and events
14 March: Applied Research Collaboration National Health Economics Showcase at the University of Sheffield. Hosted by ARC Yorkshire and Humber and ARC Greater Manchester, the showcase will present projects and research in health economics.
30–31 March: The Emanuel Miller International Online Conference 2023. Hosted by the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, the conference will look at current research, evidence, & interventions in suicide & self-harm.
20 April: Maintaining Momentum from doctoral to postdoctoral research: a workshop for nurses, midwives, allied health professionals and their managers. Hosted by NIHR Research Design Service South Central, this free one-day workshop will be held in Southampton, Oxford, and Portsmouth.
25 April: Datamind and MQ are running a workshop for early career researchers on data management in mental health research. The one-day workshop is CPD certified and will be held in London.
16 May: The Centre for Academic Primary Care at Bristol University will be holding its Primary Care Mental Health Research Conference in Bristol in May, themed on digital and remote mental health care. The call for abstracts is open until 5pm, 3 March.
Funding and career development
ARC North Thames will be opening applications to their Research for All programme on 1 March, funding career development for mental health staff and researchers working in the North Thames region. Two awards will be available: career development fellowships will fund mental health and care professionals to develop a proposal for PhD or project funding in any area of mental health research, while springboard funding awards will fund mental health and care researchers already active in research to disseminate the findings of completed research, move research to the next stage or develop a new research idea in the field of mental health research.
NIHR School for Primary Care Research PhD studentships in primary care are currently open at Queen Mary and Nottingham University. Deadlines for applications are 10 March (Nottingham), and 9 June (QMUL).
Round 6 of the HEE/NIHR ICA Pre-doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (PCAF) scheme is now open to applicants interested in pursuing doctoral-level research and a career as a practitioner academic. Apply by 16 March.
The Mental Health Research Incubator has opened applications for the 2023 GROW Researcher Development Programme. Early career mental health researchers working in the UK who would like support to develop their careers through fully-funded skills workshops, professional coaching, and an interdisciplinary peer network are encouraged to apply by 29 March.
NHS and partner organisation staff and others with a role in health and healthcare can apply to the ARC Northwest London Improvement Leader Fellowship. The free 12-month programme includes seminars and workshops, learning sessions, and networking to provide future leaders in health and care with the skills, knowledge and experiences needed to devise, implement and measure innovations and improvements. Apply by 11 April.
UKRI Policy Fellowships are open for applications for 2023. Based in one of 27 host institutions of the UK governments and What Works Centres, the 18-month fellowships are designed to improve the exchange of specialist knowledge between academic institutions and policymakers. Fellows will become part of a cohort of academic researchers and receive training, mentoring and networking opportunities. Apply by 4pm on 20 April.
NIHR School for Primary Care Research Post-Doctoral Fellowships are open to applications. The fellowship is for 24 months from October 2023 at one of the universities within the SPCR. Apply by 1pm 25 April.
ARC East Midlands are offering funded PhD studentships at Home rates for research into applied health and social care. Apply by 1 May.
NIHR have issued a call for nurses and midwives to apply to the Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) funding programme. Expressions of interest should be submitted by 21st April, with complete applications due by 1pm on 17 May.
Wellcome Trust is launching a new award for research into stratification for anxiety and depression with a flexible scope to suit a wide range of projects. Open to researchers worldwide. Apply by 7 June.