31 October
Research Club: Carrying Out Lived Experience Research as Peer Researchers
Opportunity: Online talk
Who's it for? Anyone interested in using lived experience to direct research.
Organiser: South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, hosting a talk by The McPin Foundation.
Date and time: Thursday 31 October, 2-3pm
1 November
Harkness fellowship
Opportunity: Fellowship - funding to spend a year in the US for internationally comparative healthcare research.
Who's it for? Mid-career researchers with a clinical or non-clinical healthcare policy background
Funder: jointly funded from NIHR and the Commonwealth fund
Deadline: Friday 1 November
6 November
Research for Patient Benefit programme
Opportunity: Research funding for high quality quantitative and qualitative research with a clear trajectory to patient benefit.
Who's it for: ECRs
Funder: NIHR
Deadline: Wednesday 6 November, 1pm
7 November
NIHR Undergraduate Internship Programme
Opportunity: Research funding for high quality quantitative and qualitative research with a clear trajectory to patient benefit.
Who's it for: Early to mid-career researchers
Funder: NIHR
Eligibility: Early to mid-career researchers with a PhD (or equivalent demonstrable years of research experience), who are based at an eligible host institution in England, working within a field in one of the target disciplines:
- Health Care Professionals (HCP's)
- Nursing
- Midwifery
- Allied Health Professionals
- Pharmacy
- Healthcare Science
- Social Care
- Research Methodology
- Public Health
- Data Science
Deadline: Thursday 7 November at 1pm
12 November
The Churchill Fellowships 2024
Opportunity: Fellowship - funding to spend up to two months discovering new ideas and best practice among leading practitioners anywhere in the world. This can be in person or online, and the idea is that you gain insights that will help inform UK practice in your chosen area.
Who's it for: UK citizens aged 18 or over, no particular qualifications.
Organiser: The Churchill Fellowship
Eligibility: Proposed topic areas must be beneficial to UK society, and must meet eligibility criteria.
Themes for 2025 are:
- Arts and communities.
- Caring for our natural environment.
- Children and young people with experience of care.
- Climate change.
- Supporting engagement in education.
- Promoting lifelong health.
- Resilient economies and communities.
- Tech for all.
Deadline: Tuesday 12 November
Living Well with Psychosis – Community support
Opportunity: Funding for organisations in southeast London for up to £30,000 (up to 18 months).
Organiser: Maudsley Charity
Eligibility: Trusted and established community and voluntary organisations that provide support to people affected by severe enduring mental illness in southeast London (Croydon, Lewisham, Southwark and Lambeth).
Deadline: Tuesday 12 November, 11am
13 November
NIHR Impact Prizes
Opportunity: Up to 6 Impact Prizes (up to 3 for research teams or individuals, and up to 3 for early-career researchers) will be awarded to celebrate researchers and teams whose work has transformed the lives of people, or promoted economic growth.
Who's it for? Applicants who have received NIHR funding or support.
Organiser: NIHR
Deadline: Wednesday 13 November, 1pm
Advanced Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (ACAF)
Opportunity: Academic fellowship designed to support post-doctoral researchers to develop their academic career whilst also further developing their health or care career.
Who's it for: health and social care professionals (excluding doctors or dentists) who are registered with an ICA eligible regulatory body
Organiser: NIHR
- Eligibility: Applicants should hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted their thesis by the application deadline.
- Applicants cannot already hold a Chair at the point of application.
- Your proposed host must be an English or participating devolved nation HEI, NHS body, social care organisation or other provider of health and/or care services.
Deadline: Wednesday 13 November
14 November
Doctoral Clinical and Practitioner Academic Fellowship (DCAF)
Opportunity: Academic fellowships designed to fund registered health and care professionals (excluding doctors and dentists) to undertake a PhD by research.
Who's it for: health and social care professionals (excluding doctors or dentists) who are registered with an ICA eligible regulatory body
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: To be eligible you must be registered with an ICA eligible regulatory body. Applicants must also have the support of an English health and/or social care provider and an English university, and hold a contract of employment with one of these organisations for the hours and duration of the fellowship.
Deadline: Thursday 14 November, 1pm
15 November
Career Development Award
Opportunity: A maximum budget of £30,000 to be awarded to early career researchers in the field of mental health, to further develop their academic careers and build their research networks.
Organiser: Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme
- Applicants must be linked to one of the university members of the Three NIHR Schools.
- Funding of research through this Programme requires collaboration between at least two members of different NIHR Schools.
- The panel is particularly interested in applications from health and care professionals working in mental health but without a strong track record of mental health research and methodologists wishing to develop research careers in the area spanned by this programme.
Deadline: Friday 15 November, 3.30pm
25 November
Mental Health Research for All
Opportunity: Part-time Career development fellowships to develop a PhD proposal or for mental health research project funding:
All-staff career development fellowships for mental health and care professionals across the North Thames region. Priority given to those working in East London and Essex.
Peer Support Worker career development fellowships for colleagues working in peer support/coaching or lived experience roles across England.
Who's it for? Staff/anyone working in or with mental health services and Peer Support Workers interested in carrying out mental health research.
Organiser: NIHR ARC North Thames
Deadline: Monday 25 November, 1pm
27 November
CBT adapted for autistic adults with a mental health problem
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research question: What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a NICE-recommended high intensity cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) protocol which has been adapted for autistic adults compared to the un-adapted equivalent?
Who's it for? Researchers focused on autistic adults with symptoms of anxiety disorder or depressive disorder.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK
Deadline: Wednesday 27 November, 1pm
Earlier stopping of NAC following paracetamol overdose
Opportunity: Research Funding - Research question: What is the clinical and cost effectiveness and safety of stopping N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) infusions even earlier in those with paracetamol overdose presenting to NHS hospitals?
Who's it for? Researchers focused on post-overdose adult and young people's recovery.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK
Deadline: Wednesday 27 November, 1pm
2 December
Making a difference through your research
Opportunity: Webinar
Who's it for? Anyone interested in the topic of how to get started on research impact as an Early Career Researcher.
Organiser: Three NIHR Schools, hosting a talk by Dr Ruth Naughton-Doe
Date and time: Monday 2 December, 12-1pm
3 December
Future Focused Leadership Programme: emerging research leaders stream
Opportunity: An immersive career development programme designed to help researchers develop their capabilities and effectiveness as a leader.
Who’s it for? Early- and mid-career researchers who are NIHR Academy Members.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers must be an NIHR Academy Member (including those based in the NIHR Infrastructure, a NIHR School or a NIHR Research unit) and at least two years postdoctoral.
Deadline: Tuesday 3 December, 1pm
5 December
Launchpad Grants in Eating Disorders
Opportunity: Grants of up to £100,000 (over a maximum of a 2-year full-time period) to support research in the field of eating disorders, including how they develop, methods of prevention, early detection and diagnosis pathways, and effective treatment options.
Who’s it for? Early- and mid-career researchers in the field of eating disorders.
Organiser: Medical Research Foundation
Eligibility: Researchers/clinical academies must be based in the UK and at an eligible institution. Eligible institutions are UK Higher Education Institutions, Research Council research institutes, hospitals, and other independent research organisations.
Deadline: Thursday 5 December, 12pm
Doctoral Local Authority Fellowships (DLAF)
Opportunity: Fellowship funding for individuals based within local authorities and supporting services to undertake a PhD whilst on sabbatical from their existing role.
Who’s it for? Individuals of any profession (excluding doctors or dentists) based within local authorities and supporting services.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Applicants must also have the support of an English health and/or social care provider and an English university, and hold a contract of employment with one of these organisations for the hours and duration of the fellowship.
Deadline: Thursday 5 December, 1pm
Wellcome mental health award: Scaling digital mental health interventions
Opportunity: Research Funding
Organiser: Wellcome Trust
Eligibility: This is a funding call for team awards – applications must include a lead applicant and coapplicants, as well as people with lived experience of mental health problems. Global funding (with the exception of mainland China).
Deadline: Thursday 5 December
11 December
Research Professorships
Opportunity: NIHR’s flagship career development that supports outstanding academics and researchers, to partner with an NHS organisation or another provider of health, public health and/or care services.
Who's it for: Senior health and care professionals
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: To be eligible you need to:
- This scheme is open to all professions and all Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) and NHS organisations, or other providers of health, public health and/or care services based in England only.
Deadline: Wednesday 11 December at 1pm
Global Health Research Professorships
Opportunity: NIHR’s flagship career development that supports outstanding academics and researchers, who are undertaking research that aims to specifically and primarily benefit people in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC), to work at professorial level.
Who's it for: Research leaders whose work aims to help people in LMICs that are ODA recipients.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: To be eligible you need to:
- an individual with an outstanding record of public health, health or care research
- on track to become a future global health research leader
- based in the UK or in a Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC)
- nominated by your host institution
- conducting research that directly and primarily benefits patients and the public in countries on the OECD DAC list.
Deadline: Wednesday 11 December, 1pm
8 January
Research in Mental Health Nursing (HTA Programme)
Opportunity: Research Funding – This is a cross-programme funding opportunity aimed to fund high quality health and social care research to increase and improve the evidence base about mental health nursing and the mental health nursing workforce.
Who's it for? Researchers focused on post-overdose adult and young people recovery.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: Researchers in the UK. As this is a cross-programme funding opportunity, research proposals must fall within the remit of one of the participating programmes:
- Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programme
- Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme
- Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB)
Deadline: Wednesday 8 January, 1pm
16 January
Doctoral Fellowship
Opportunity: Fellowship funding for individuals based within local authorities and supporting services to undertake a PhD in an area of research within the NIHR’s remit for personal awards. Covers salary and research costs for three years.
Who’s it for? Clinical or non-clinical applicants. Clinical applicants can include up to 20% clinical or practice time as part of the fellowship.
Organiser: NIHR
- Applicants must have a First Class or Upper Second-Class bachelor’s degree or equivalent. Applicants without this will need a master's degree.
- All applicants must also have a proposed host who is an English HEI, NHS body, social care organisation, or other provider of health and/or care services.
- Clinical applicants must have completed any relevant pre-registration training i.e. completion of FY1.
Deadline: Thursday 16 January, 1pm
20 January
Addiction research groups: funding to host an intern
Opportunity: Funding of up to £10,000 per internship to be used by any UK university research group to supervise a graduate intern on an addiction research project.
Who’s it for? Research groups in UK universities hosting an addiction research project
Organiser: MHR Incubator
- Projects involving animal research cannot be funded.
Deadline: Monday 20 January
Addiction services: funding to host a PhD or postdoctoral researcher
Opportunity: Funding of up to £12,000 per placement to be used for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers to undertake 12-week placements (or part-time equivalents) to support work at addiction organisations.
Who’s it for? Third sector, local authority and NHS organisations who are offering services for people with addictions.
Organiser: MHR Incubator
- Projects related to smoking cessation or gambling services cannot be funded.
- Organisations must offer clinical treatment or support for recovery for those with drug/alcohol addiction, or who support individuals with drug and alcohol addiction in other ways.
Deadline: Monday 20 January
23 January
Opportunity: Flexible funding for those at postdoctoral level who haven’t yet been appointed to a professorial post. Individuals are able to choose a duration of between 2-5 years.
Who’s it for? Clinical or non-clinical applicants who have not been appointed to a professorial post and or hold a chair position at the point of application.
Organiser: NIHR
- Applicants should hold a relevant PhD or MD, or have submitted your thesis for examination at the time of application. Applicants must have been awarded their PhD or MD by the time they attend the interview.
- Your proposed host must be an English or participating devolved nation HEI, NHS body, social care organisation or other provider of health and/or care services.
- Clinical applicants must have completed relevant pre-registration training.
- For applicants who haven’t been awarded their PhD or MD, their primary supervisor must be added to the application form as a participant to confirm that the thesis has been submitted for examination. Written evidence of the award from the awarding body of the PhD or MD will be required prior to attending for interview.
Deadline: Thursday 23 January, 1pm
Open-ended opportunities
Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme
Opportunity: Training opportunity - the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme aims to develop health and care professionals to become the Principal Investigators (PIs) of the future.
Who's it for: Healthcare professionals just starting their research career, particularly those who would not usually have the opportunity to take part in clinical research in their day-to-day role.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: The scheme is open to any health and care professional willing to make a significant contribution to the conduct and delivery of a study at a local level over a period of six months.
NIHR Reviewer Development Scheme
Opportunity: An opportunity to hone your skills in peer reviewing and to review current research. Participants will receive constructive feedback on their reviews as well as receiving insights into how other reviewers have approached pieces.
Who's it for: Early Career Researchers or professionals who are new to reviewing and interested in developing their skills further.
Organiser: NIHR
Eligibility: You must be close to completing your PhD or within 10 years of completing your PhD, and have not yet held a grant as Lead Applicant (excluding fellowships) of over £100,000. The Scheme is also open to all UK Speciality Registrars, Advanced Clinical Practitioners and Nurses and Midwives on Band 6 or above.