
Engaging with research as a clinician
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Engaging with research as a clinician

Dr Eleanor Chatburn’s advice for psychologists applies to other non-medical clinical professionals too. She considers the challenges and opportunities of engaging with research as an early career psychologist. This article was first published in The Psychologist magazine on 3 January 2023. Are you an early career practitioner clinician with a keen interest in research? Want…

Academic psychiatry careers webinar 2022
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Academic psychiatry careers webinar 2022

Many clinical academics have followed a non-standard path in their academic work. Dr Vivienne Curtis, Dr Kate Saunders, Dr Shruti Garg and Dr Oli Sparasci shared advice and tips on all the options available to psychiatry trainees. Do check out the presentation slides, Q&A questions and links to a useful whatsapp group on the Royal…

Chief Nursing Officer for England’s strategic plan for research

Chief Nursing Officer for England’s strategic plan for research

The Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) for England’s strategic plan for research is for all
nurses working in health and social care, whether they are already or thinking about
getting involved in research, colleagues in academia and the third sector and all those
who support research. It has been developed in partnership with stakeholders across
the health and care system including the Innovation, Research and Life Sciences Group
within NHS England and NHS Improvement specifically to ensure alignment across the

Interview: Dept of Health and Social Care CSO on mental health research in the UK
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Interview: Dept of Health and Social Care CSO on mental health research in the UK

In a wide-ranging discussion, Professors Lucy Chappell and Cathy Creswell discuss the rationale behind the launch of a number of new NIHR funding schemes for mental health research that have been announced, including region-specific schemes. They go on to discuss the importance of research into co-occurring physical and mental health conditions, capacity issues in certain…

Beneficial Changes Network – submissions of innovations before 22 Oct
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Beneficial Changes Network – submissions of innovations before 22 Oct

The Beneficial Changes Network is now open for a second round of transformation, innovation or improvement submissions from the frontline. This is a fantastic opportunity for mental health researchers and professionals with relevant experience. This round of submissions is not specific to changes which occurred during the pandemic, rather a general invitation for submissions in…