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Mid-week roundup 16/10/24: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research

Welcome to your weekly roundup of funding, events, and webinars we’ve shared with our followers over on the Mental Health Research Incubator Twitter. Here's what's coming up on the horizon for mental health research:

Mid-week roundup 16/10/24: events, funding, & opportunities in mental health research
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The application window for the NIHR Doctoral fellowships and NIHR Advanced fellowships opens twice a year in October (and April)

Doctoral fellowshipThree year full-time award that supports individuals to undertake a PhD in applied health or social care research.

Eligibility: completed any relevant pre-registration training (for clinical applicants); completed first degree for non-clinical applicants.



Advanced fellowship: two-five year funding for those at postdoctoral level.

Eligibility: Recently completed or about to be awarded a PhD but haven't yet established yourself as an independent researcher, or established as an independent researcher but not yet an international leader in the field.

OpensTuesday 22 October, 1pm

DeadlineThursday 23 January, 1pm


17 October

NIHR Mentoring Programme

Opportunity: NIHR’s year-long mentorship scheme that helps with career development, networking and other professional skills.

Who's it for: ECRs who’ve received career development awards/fellowships of various types from the NIHR

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: To be eligible you need to:

  • You need to be an NIHR Academy Member, be based in NIHR Infrastructure, or in an NIHR School.
  • You need to have a minimum of 6 months remaining of your funding or NIHR personal award from the close of applications to this programme
  • You must be undertaking research in England

DeadlineThursday 17 October


21 October

Mental Health in Different Religious Groups

Opportunity: Research development grant

Who's it for: Researchers with interests in Mental Health in Different Religious Groups and supporting the implementation of evidence into practice and policy.

Organiser: NIHR and Three NIHR Research Schools’ Mental Health Programme


  • The Principal Investigator must be based in one of the members of one of the three NIHR Schools (NIHR School for Primary Care Research; NIHR School for Public Health Research; NIHR School for Social Care Research).
  • The host organisation must be based in areas identified by the NIHR as being underserved.

DeadlineMonday 21 October at 3.30pm


23 October

The British Academy Visiting Fellowships 2025

Opportunity: Fellowship - a postdoctoral fellowship of up to £40,000, enables academics from any country overseas to be based at a UK higher education or other research institution of their choice for up to six months.

Who's it for: Academics overseas looking to collaborate with colleagues in UK universities.

OrganiserThe British Academy

Eligibility: To be eligible you need to:

  • be at postdoctoral level or above (or have equivalent research experience)
  • be on a permanent or fixed term contract
  • make contact with your host institution ahead of applying

DeadlineWednesday 23 October, 5pm


Fellowship Application Day

Opportunity: Webinar, with the opportunity to have a one-to-one advisory session with RSS team members from 3pm.

Organiser: NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) in partnership with University of Southampton and Partners Hub.

Sign up here!

Date and time: Wednesday 23 October, 9.15am - 3pm.


24 October

Data Science Meeting

Opportunity: Forum for the mental health data science community to share findings and best practice.

Organiser: MQ and DATAMIND

Tickets cost £15 – sign up here.

Date and time: Thursday 24 October, 10am - 4pm, London


29 October

Different avenues for funding digital mental health innovation

Opportunity: Webinar

Organiser: Wellcome Trust

Date and time: Tuesday 29 October, 9am - 11am



1 November

Harkness fellowship

Opportunity: Fellowship - funding to spend a year in the US for internationally comparative healthcare research.

Who's it for? Mid-career researchers with a clinical or non-clinical healthcare policy background

Funder: jointly funded from NIHR and the Commonwealth fund

Deadline: Friday 1 November


6 November

Research for Patient Benefit programme

Opportunity: Research funding for high quality quantitative and qualitative research with a clear trajectory to patient benefit.

Who's it for: ECRs

Funder: NIHR

Deadline: Friday 6 November


7 November

NIHR Undergraduate Internship Programme

Opportunity: Research funding for high quality quantitative and qualitative research with a clear trajectory to patient benefit.

Who's it for: Early to mid-career researchers

Funder: NIHR

Eligibility: Early to mid-career researchers with a PhD (or equivalent demonstrable years of research experience), who are based at an eligible host institution in England, working within a field in one of the target disciplines:

  • Health Care Professionals (HCP's)
    • Nursing
    • Midwifery
    • Allied Health Professionals
    • Pharmacy
    • Healthcare Science
  • Social Care
  • Research Methodology
  • Public Health
  • Data Science

Deadline: Thursday 7 November at 1pm


12 November

The Churchill Fellowships 2024

Opportunity: Fellowship - funding to spend up to two months discovering new ideas and best practice among leading practitioners anywhere in the world. This can be in person or online, and the idea is that you gain insights that will help inform UK practice in your chosen area. Applications will open on 4 September.

Who's it for: UK citizens aged 18 or over, no particular qualifications.

Organiser: The Churchill Fellowship

Eligibility: Proposed topic areas must be beneficial to UK society, and must meet eligibility criteria.

Themes for 2025 are:

  • Arts and communities.
  • Caring for our natural environment.
  • Children and young people with experience of care.
  • Climate change.
  • Supporting engagement in education.
  • Promoting lifelong health.
  • Resilient economies and communities.
  • Tech for all.

Deadline: Tuesday 12 November.


13 November

NIHR Impact Prizes

Opportunity: Up to 6 Impact Prizes (up to 3 for research teams or individuals, and up to 3 for early-career researchers) will be awarded to celebrate researchers and teams whose work has transformed the lives of people, or promoted economic growth.

Who's it for? Applicants who have received NIHR funding or support.


DeadlineMonday 13 November, 1pm


27 November

CBT adapted for autistic adults with a mental health problem

OpportunityResearch Funding - Research question: What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a NICE-recommended high intensity cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) protocol which has been adapted for autistic adults compared to the un-adapted equivalent?

Who's it for? Researchers focused on autistic adults with symptoms of anxiety disorder or depressive disorder.


Eligibility: Researchers in the UK

Deadline: Wednesday 27 November, 1pm.


Earlier stopping of NAC following paracetamol overdose

OpportunityResearch Funding - Research question: What is the clinical and cost effectiveness and safety of stopping N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) infusions even earlier in those with paracetamol overdose presenting to NHS hospitals?

Who's it for? Researchers focused on post-overdose adult and young people's recovery.


Eligibility: Researchers in the UK

Deadline: Wednesday 27 November, 1pm.



5 December

Wellcome mental health award: Scaling digital mental health interventions

Opportunity: Research Funding

Organiser: Wellcome Trust

Eligibility: This is a funding call for team awards – applications must include a lead applicant and coapplicants, as well as people with lived experience of mental health problems. Global funding (with the exception of mainland China).

Full application deadline: Thursday 5 December


11 December

NIHR Research Professorships

Opportunity: NIHR’s flagship career development that supports outstanding academics and researchers, to partner with an NHS organisation or another provider of health, public health and/or care services.

Who's it for: Senior health and care professionals

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: To be eligible you need to:

  • This scheme is open to all professions and all Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) and NHS organisations, or other providers of health, public health and/or care services based in England only.

Deadline: Wednesday 11 December at 1pm.


NIHR Global Health Research Professorship

Opportunity: NIHR’s flagship career development that supports outstanding academics and researchers, who are undertaking research that aims to specifically and primarily benefit people in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMIC), to work at professorial level.

Who's it for: Research leaders whose work aims to help people in LMICs that are ODA recipients.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: To be eligible you need to:

  • an individual with an outstanding record of public health, health or care research
  • on track to become a future global health research leader
  • based in the UK or in a Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC)
  • nominated by your host institution
  • conducting research that directly and primarily benefits patients and the public in countries on the OECD DAC list.

Sign-up to the webinar about this opportunity on Monday 7 October 2024 at 9.00am - 10.00am and 4.00pm - 5.00pm.

DeadlineWednesday 11 December, 1pm 


8 January

Research in Mental Health Nursing (HTA Programme)

OpportunityResearch Funding – This is a cross-programme funding opportunity aimed to fund high quality health and social care research to increase and improve the evidence base about mental health nursing and the mental health nursing workforce.

Who's it for? Researchers focused on post-overdose adult and young people recovery.


Eligibility: Researchers in the UK. As this is a cross-programme funding opportunity, research proposals must fall within the remit of one of the participating programmes:

  • Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) Programme
  • Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Programme
  • Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB)

Deadline: Wednesday 8 January, 1pm.


Associate Principal Investigator (PI) Scheme

Opportunity: Training opportunity - the Associate Principal Investigator Scheme aims to develop health and care professionals to become the Principal Investigators (PIs) of the future.

Who's it for: Healthcare professionals just starting their research career, particularly those who would not usually have the opportunity to take part in clinical research in their day-to-day role.

Organiser: NIHR

Eligibility: The scheme is open to any health and care professional willing to make a significant contribution to the conduct and delivery of a study at a local level over a period of six months.


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