NIHR has issued a call specification to recruit more nurses and midwives to the Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) funding stream.
Launching on 25th January, the funding call aims to build capacity by requiring all applications to be led or joint-led by an early career researcher with a background in nursing or midwifery. Funding of up to £500,000 will be awarded for up to three years.
Nursing and midwifery are particularly underrepresented disciplines in health research. In a review of the RfPB funded projects, nurses and midwives were found to make up just 8% of funded applicants.
The Research for Patient Benefit programme is one of 10 NIHR funding streams and focuses on research that will directly benefit the health or wellbeing of patients and service users in the NHS and social care services.
Proposals for RfPB funding could include research into how NHS services are provided and used, evaluations of interventions for their effectiveness, research about alternative ways to deliver healthcare, development and refining of new interventions, scales, or outcome measures, or any other topic that falls under the RfPB remit.
Expressions of interest should be submitted by 21st April, with full applications due by 1pm on 17th May.
NIHR will host an online webinar with advice and guidance on Monday 16th January.