Today saw the first meeting of our GROW Researcher Development Programme 2023 cohort, in which introductions were made, ice was broken and big career questions were posed and pondered – questions such as: Who could you benefit from working with? What disciplines/ specialisms / perspectives could you learn from?
Told you they were big.
Based on feedback from the previous cohorts who have been through GROW who almost unanimously said they wanted more opportunity to meet in person and network, we kicked off our 2023 sessions with a meeting in London where everyone could meet each other, introduce themselves and their research goals and career aspirations, and find out what was in store in the next 6 months.
And speaking of introductions, we thought we would start introducing them all to you! We will have some more personal introductions in the coming weeks, including on Twitter, case studies and blog posts, but for now here are some overview facts of the 20 excellent early career researchers who make up our cohort.
- They come from every UK country and represent institutions from all corners of England.
- We have psychologists, sociologists, epidemiologists, pharmacists, nurses, to highlight a few.
- We have people working in academic and clinical research.
This group was put together from over 100 applicants, all of whom were excellent. We selected the current group as we felt they are all at the same early stage of their careers, had something to offer each other and a unique experiences to share. We also think these researchers will take as much as they can from each group session and the one to one coaching and really boost their career in mental health research.
The GROW programme is part of the Incubator and is based on a selective application process for post doctoral, early career. It involves group sessions once a month, along with one-to-one mentoring from experienced coaches. You can learn more about it on our website here. We currently do not have any information to share about future cohorts, but will be sure to update the website and notify you on Twitter as soon as we have any dates to share.
Follow along for more updates to hear details of who these lovely researchers are, what they are working on what they have planned for their futures!