Writing retreat for fellowships – application form

Writing retreat application form

The deadline for applications is Monday 31 March, 9am.

Fellowship writing retreat - application form

You and your role

What does your research focus on?
0 of 300 max words

Your fellowship application

This retreat is designed to support people to make significant progress on an application for a fellowship in applied mental health research.
We expect that participants on this retreat will likely be applying for fellowships funded by the NIHR, Wellcome Trust, UK Research Councils, or charities which fund fellowships in applied mental health research.
0 of 500 max words
Please include: research question/s; overview of work packages and planned impact of the research.
Have you completed a literature/scoping review to inform your fellowship application?
0 of 300 max words
All participants will be offered a one hour 1:1 surgery session with a senior colleague in the field to discuss an aspect of their application. We expect participants to have in mind a particular section to focus on for this.

Your research career to date

Maximum file size: 52.43MB

0 of 300 max words

The information in your application form will be shared with the MHR Incubator team who facilitate the writing retreat, and invited reviewers. If your application is successful, the following information will be shared with the other participants on the writing retreat:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your organisation and professional background

No other information about you or your fellowship application will be shared beyond the MHR Incubator team and invited reviewers who review your application.

Personal data that you share with the Mental Health Research Incubator is collected, stored, accessed, and used in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Mental Health Research Incubator privacy policy, and the University of Oxford data protection policy. If you have any questions or concerns about your personal data, please email us at mhresearch@psych.ox.ac.uk

The retreat starts at 1.30pm on day one and ends at 3pm on day three