We’ve broken down a list of over 100 acronyms you’ll encounter in the world of UK mental health research. Our jargon-buster covers professions, organisations, services and interventions, and is a key resource for anyone considering a career in mental health research. Are there any acronyms we’ve missed? Let us know in the form at the bottom of this page.


AHP: Allied health profession/professional

A list of 15 health care professions/professionals who work in health and care. AHPs deliver a wide range of diagnostic, therapeutic, technical, and support services, and work in diverse environments both privately and within the NHS. The fifteen AHPs are art therapists, drama therapists, music therapists, podiatrists, dietitians, occupational therapists, operating department practitioners, orthoptists, osteopaths, paramedics, physiotherapists, prosthetists and orthotists, radiographers, and speech and language therapists.

AHSC: Academic Health Science Centre

Regional partnerships between the NHS and universities that are designated by NIHR and NHS England as demonstrating excellence in health research, health education, and patient care. They work with each other, Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) and NIHR to further research and innovation and contribute to national health strategies. There are eight AHSCs in England: Bristol Health Partners, Cambridge University Health Partners, Imperial College Academic Health Science Centre, King’s Health Partners, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Newcastle Health Innovation Partners, Oxford Academic Health Partners, and UCL Partners.

AHSN: Academic Health Science Network

Regional networks that connect the NHS with academic organisations, local authorities, charities, and industry. They bring together stakeholders in their region’s health economy and work closely with Academic Health Science Centres (AHCSs). There are 15 AHSNs in England. AHSNs are funded by NHS England and cover the same geographical regions as Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs). Like ARCs, AHSNs bring together different organisations, especially the NHS and industry innovators. However, AHSNs are specifically focused on the adoption and spread of innovations, while NIHR ARCs are about conducting applied research. As an example, an ARC might evaluate the cost effectiveness of an AHSN’s roll-out of an intervention. If you have an innovation that you want to bring into practice and spread across the NHS, you want your local AHSN. However, if you are interested in applied research and academic evaluation, then ARCs are more relevant.

AMHP: Approved Mental Health Professional

AMHPs are professionals who work on behalf of a local authority to make decisions under the Mental Health Act 2007. AMHPs use their knowledge of mental health, social care, and the legal system to conduct an assessment of the evidence, including the recommendations of medical professionals, before deciding whether a person should be detained for psychiatric treatment in a hospital. An AMHP can be a social worker, a psychiatric nurse, an occupational therapist or a clinical psychologist. Medical doctors cannot be AMHPs.

AMHS: Adult Mental Health Services

Specialist NHS services that assess and treat adults with mental health difficulties.

AMRC: Association of Medical Research Charities

An organisation of leading UK medical and health research charities. The AMRC advises charities on funding priorities and strategies for medical and health research.

AMS: Academy of Medical Sciences

The independent UK body representing medical science. Their website is

ARC: Applied Research Collaboration

NIHR-funded organisations supporting health and care research projects and implementations that respond to the needs of local populations and health and care systems. There are 15 ARCs in the UK, with mental health research themes hosted at

  • ARC West (Bristol)
  • ARC East Midlands
  • PenARC (Devon & Cornwall)
  • ARC North Thames (London)
  • ARC East of England
  • ARC Yorkshire and Humber
  • ARC Northwest London
  • ARC Oxford
  • ARC South London
  • ARC West Midlands (Warwick)
  • ARC Greater Manchester
  • ARC North East and North Cumbria

Regional ARCs regularly have research opportunities for health and care professionals in the local community, including training and development, intervention evaluations, research development and funding applications, and funded projects.

BRC: Biomedical Research Centre

Centres of collaboration between universities and NHS organisations that foster multidisciplinary scientific research between academics and clinicians. BRCs focus on translating research into new treatments, diagnostics, and medical technologies. Some BRCs, including Oxford, Nottingham, and Maudsley, focus specifically on mental health research. There are 20 BRCs in the UK.

CAM: Complementary and alternative medicine

Treatments that fall outside of mainstream healthcare. Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine, while alternative medicine is used instead of conventional medicine. However, there can be overlap between the categories. The evidence for the safety and effectiveness of CAM practices varies, with evidence for some practices much stronger than others. Chiropractic is the only statutorily regulated CAM practise in the UK.

CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Specialist NHS services which assess and treat young people with emotional, behavioural, or mental health difficulties. See also: CYPMHS

CBT: Cognitive behavioural therapy

A talking therapy that works to address problems by changing unhelpful or faulty ways of thinking and behaviour and developing practical coping strategies for the symptoms of mental health problems. CBT is often used in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

CCF: Central Commissioning Facility (NIHR)

Part of the governing structure of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The CCF is responsible for managing the Research Design Service (RDS), the Senior Investigator scheme, NIHR infrastructure including Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs), Clinical Research Facilities (CRFs), and Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs), and five of the NIHR research programmes including Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB), Invention for Innovation (i4i), Policy Research Programme (PRP), and Programme Development Grants (PDG).

CCG: Clinical Commissioning Group

Replaced by integrated care boards (ICBs) from July 2022 per Health and Care Act 2022. See also: ICB

CI: Chief investigator

The main investigator responsible for the design and conduct of a research project. See also: PI

CLAHRC: Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care

The precursor organisations to Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs). They were superseded by ARCs in 2019. See also: ARC

CMHF: Community Mental Health Framework

An NHS framework used to assess the needs of people with mental health problems and to plan and provide care. The CMHF promotes health and social care that is based in the community, with patients as active participants in choosing their care. The CMHF superseded the Care Program Approach (CPA) in 2022.

CMHT: Community mental health team

An interdisciplinary team supporting people with mental health problems in community settings rather than in hospitals. CMHTs can include psychiatrists, community psychiatric nurses, psychologists, social workers, and occupational therapists.

CPA: Care Program Approach

An NHS framework used to assess needs and plan the care and recovery of people with mental health problems. The CPA includes a care co-ordinator and a care plan detailing the kinds of support to be received and the person responsible for administering the support. As of 2022, CPA has been superseded by the Community Mental Health Framework (CMHF).

CPFT: Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust

An NHS foundation trust providing health services to Cambridgeshire and Peterborough and specialist services in the east of England. CPFT is part of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) for the East of England.

CPN: Community psychiatric nurse

A qualified professional who provides medical and mental health support to patients in their own homes, in outpatient departments, and in GP clinics as part of a multidisciplinary team. CPNs can administer and manage medications, review clinical care needs, perform diagnostic evaluations and screening, help patients with improving their quality of life, and serve as the point of contact for patients and their families.

CQC: Care Quality Commission

The regulatory public body for health and social care services in England. The CQC is responsible for ensuring that medical and social care delivered in hospitals, clinics, care homes, and in-home care meets quality and safety standards. It is funded by the UK government’s Department of Health and Social Care.

CQUIN: Commissioning for Quality and Innovation

A financial incentive scheme to encourage NHS healthcare providers to innovate and improve care quality in local and national target areas.

CRF: Clinical Research Facility

Hospital-based NIHR facilities that support the delivery of early-phase and complex research studies. There are 23 CRFs in the UK.

CRHT: Crisis resolution home team

A community-based service that provides urgent mental health support at home instead of in hospital. CRHTs are made up of mental health professionals such as a psychiatrist, mental health nurses, social workers, and support workers.

CTO: Community treatment order

An order made by a responsible clinician outlining the medical treatment a person with mental health problems should receive outside of hospital in England and Wales. A person who has been sectioned in hospital under Sections 3, 37, or 47 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) can be discharged under a CTO.

CWP: Children’s wellbeing practitioner

A professional who provides mental health and wellbeing support for children and young people with mild to moderate mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, and behavioural difficulties. CWPs deliver low intensity therapeutic interventions and signpost to appropriate support services such as CAMHS.

CYP: Children and young people

People aged 0–25. CYP is a common abbreviation in research about child, adolescent, and young adult health.

CYPMHS: Children and young people’s mental health services

Services that support young people with their mental health. See also: CAMHS

DBT: Dialectical behavioural therapy

A talking therapy, based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), that is adapted for people with complex emotional needs, particularly people who have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and people with depression, eating disorders, and self-harm and suicidal behaviours.

DHSC: Department of Health and Social Care

The government department responsible for leading health and social care in the UK.

DMC: Data monitoring committee

A committee established by a sponsor of a clinical trial to assess progress, safety, and critical efficacy data, and to recommend whether the sponsor should modify or stop a trial.

DPA: Data Protection Act

A piece of legislation that forms the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The DPA regulates how personal data can be used. It is particularly important when conducting research with human participants.

DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

A handbook published by the American Psychological Association (APA) that is used to classify and diagnose mental health disorders. The current edition, DSM-5-TR, was updated in 2022.

EBCD: Experience-based co-design

An approach that supports staff and service users to work collaboratively to co-design services and care pathways. EBCD centres the experience of the patient but also considers the impact on staff in improving the day-to-day experiences of care services.

EBE: Expertise by experience

The lived experiences of service users, carers, and people who live or have lived with a mental illness. These people are experts on their experiences of illness, disability, and/or services.

EBI: Evidence-based intervention

An initiative led by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges to improve the quality of care in the NHS. It aims to reduce the number of medical interventions and treatments that are not supported by scientific evidence.

ECR: Early career researcher

A person who is in the early stages of a career in research. ECR does not have a strict definition. Often it refers to people who have some experience conducting research but have not led their own research project as the principal investigator (PI), such as PhD/doctoral students, recent postdoctoral graduates, and people who have spent time outside of academia or are transitioning to a new area of research. Funding schemes and programmes specifically to support ECRs often have their own definitions and eligibility criteria. The Mental Health Research Incubator GROW Programme, for example, does not have a strict definition and welcomes applications from anyone who considers themselves an ECR with research experience.

EHCP: Education, Health, and Care Plan

A document that identifies additional educational, health, and social support needs for children and young people up to 25 years old that are not covered by existing special educational needs support. Assessments for an EHCP are conducted through a local authority.

EIP: Early Intervention in Psychosis

Multidisciplinary NHS teams that work to reduce treatment delays for people experiencing psychosis. Access to EIP following a first episode of psychosis has a significant long-term impact for people with psychosis.

ERG: Expert reference group

A group of professionals, clinicians, academics, and/or other relevant people who are experts in a specific area. They can contribute their knowledge and experience to a range of projects, including developing and implementing new services and initiatives, advising on research, programming, and engagement, and steering groups.

ESRC: Economic and Social Research Council

Part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), ESRC funds research on economic and social issues, and human behavioural and data science research. ESRC supports interdisciplinary researchers through grants such as doctoral training partnerships, early career researcher development awards, funded workshops, and themed calls for research.

GCP: Good Clinical Practice

A set of internationally recognised ethical and scientific quality requirements which must be observed when designing, conducting, recording, and reporting clinical trials involving people.

HEE: Health Education England

Part of the Department of Health, HEE provides national leadership and coordination to educate and train people who work in health and care in England.

HoNOS: Health of the Nation Outcome Scales

A clinical tool used by care professionals to measure the health and social functioning of adults with severe mental illnesses. It includes 12 scales that measure behaviour, impairment, symptoms and social functioning. Variations of HoNOS have been developed for use with children and adolescents, older adults, people with learning disabilities, people with acquired brain injuries, and incarcerated people.

HRA: Health Research Authority

An NHS organisation that protects and promotes the interests of service users and the public in health research.

HTA: Health Technology Assessment

An NIHR programme focused on producing independent research about the effectiveness, costs, and impacts of healthcare treatments for the NHS.

HWB: Health and Wellbeing Board

A committee within a local authority that works to promote joint working between the NHS, public health bodies, and local government and reduce local health inequalities. Together with ICBs (see below), HWBs produce a joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) a joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS), and a pharmaceutical needs assessment (PNA) for their local area.

IAPT: Improving Access to Psychology Therapies

An NHS programme of services to treat adults with common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. IAPT uses NICE-approved talking therapies delivered by trained professionals such as psychological wellbeing practitioners (PWPs). Access to IAPT is usually by self-referral.

ICB: Integrated care board

A statutory body responsible for allocating the NHS budget and commissioning services for a local population. ICPs prepare a five-year plan for meeting local health needs, informed by the local joint health and wellbeing strategies (JHWS). Together with integrated care partnerships (ICPs), ICBs form an integrated care system (ICS). ICBs are formed of members from NHS trusts and foundation trusts, general practice, and local authorities, service users, and communities. ICBs replaced clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) from July 2022.

ICP: Integrated care partnership

A statutory committee responsible for developing an integrated health and care strategy for the health and social care needs of a local area. The strategy is informed by the local joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) and developed with the local community. Together with integrated care boards (ICBs), ICPs form an integrated care system (ICS). ICPs are formed of members from the voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector (VCSE), local NHS organisations, and local government.

ICS: Integrated care system

A partnership between NHS organisations, local authorities, and public health bodies to plan and improve health services within a local area. They are made up of integrated care boards (ICBs) and integrated care partnerships (ICPs). Through these bodies, an ICS plans and funds local NHS services and develops the local health and care strategy.

IMHA: Independent mental health advocate

A person trained to advise and advocate for people who have been sectioned under the Mental Health Act (MHA) in England and Wales. IMHAs can advise patients of their rights and the rights of their family, explain relevant sections and conditions of the MHA, and the reasons and legal basis for treatments a patient receives. IMHAs can additionally make complaints, apply to the Mental Health Tribunal (MHT), access legal support, and speak on behalf of a patient at review meetings or hearings.

IPTS: Intensive Psychological Therapies Services

An NHS programme of services to treat adults with enduring or complex mental health problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). IPTS uses psychological therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), group therapies, and other NICE-approved therapies delivered by qualified mental health practitioners such as psychologists. Access to IPTS usually requires a referral from a GP or community mental health team (CMHT).

JHWS: Joint health and wellbeing strategy

Strategies for meeting the needs identified through a joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA). JHWSs are produced by health and wellbeing boards and are specific to a local area. They translate the findings from the JSNA into outcomes that can inform the commissioning and funding for local health and care initiatives.

JLA: James Lind Alliance

A coproduction initiative to identify and prioritise areas for research on specific conditions, areas, or topics, led by patients, carers, and clinicians. The JLA trains advisers to facilitate and help researchers to establish priority-setting partnerships (PSPs).

JSNA: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

An assessment of health and wellbeing needs within a community that could be met through the local authority, local NHS services, or integrated care boards (ICBs). JSNAs are produced by health and wellbeing boards and help to inform the joint health and wellbeing strategy (JHWS) for the local area.

LETB: Local Education and Training Board

A board responsible for the planning and delivering education for clinical and non-clinical NHS workers in a regional area. LETBs are committees of Health Education England (HEE). In Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, LETBs are called deaneries.

LTC: Long term conditions

Physical and mental health conditions or illnesses that do not have a cure and are managed with medical treatment. The co-existence of multiple LTCs is known as multi-morbidity.

MDT: Multidisciplinary team

A group of health and care professionals from different clinical disciplines who work together to recommend treatments for a patient. MDTs are used in health and care settings.

MHA: Mental Health Act

Legislation passed in 1983 that outlines the assessment, treatment and rights of a person with mental health problems in England and Wales. The MHA is divided into sections covering the rights of people in different situations, including being detained in hospital involuntarily (also called being sectioned), consenting to treatment, leaving the hospital, being treated in the community, and the rights of family and friends. Someone who is at risk of harm to themself or others, or who needs urgent treatment for a mental health disorder, can be sectioned in a hospital or treatment facility under the Mental Health Act.

MHIS: Mental health investment standard

A yearly threshold for how much of the local NHS budget integrated care boards (ICBs) should invest in mental health services.

MHLT: Mental health liaison team

A team of mental health professionals who conduct assessments for inpatients in hospitals. MHLTs conduct mental health and risk assessments, signpost and identify support resources, and communicate between hospital and NHS trust departments and services.

MHSOP: Mental Health Services for Older People

Services that support older adults with mental health conditions and cognitive problems such as dementia. MHSOP can include community mental health teams, liaison teams, inpatient and outpatient services, and home care.

MHT: Mental Health Tribunal

An independent panel which can end a person’s section under the Mental Health Act (MHA). Any person who has been sectioned has the right to apply to the MHT.

MRC: Medical Research Council

The main governmental funding body for biomedical and early-stage clinical research. The MRC is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and provides funding through fellowships, studentships, grants, loans, and awards to researchers in medical science.

NENC: North East and North Cumbria (NHS Trust)

NETSCC: NIHR Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre

A constituent body of NIHR which is responsible for managing research activities and funding programmes. NETSCC is based at the University of Southampton.

NHS: National Health Service

The government-funded medical and healthcare services that people living in the UK can use for free.

NHS CB: NHS Commissioning Board

The official name of NHS England.

NICE: National Institute for Clinical Excellence

A public body which uses research evidence to recommend which treatments should be provided by the NHS.

NIHR: National Institute for Health and Care Research

The main funding body of clinical and applied health and social care research in the UK. NIHR is funded by the UK government’s Department of Health and Social Care.

NOCRI: NIHR Office for Clinical Research Infrastructure

A constituent body of NIHR which supports charities and industries to work in partnership with NIHR and the research it funds. This includes supporting connections between companies and researchers in early-phase clinical research, establishing national collaborations in specific health areas, and linking later-phase research with the NIHR Clinical Research Network.

OPMH: Older people’s mental health

Mental health care and services for older adults with complex mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis, as well as memory problems.

OT: Occupational therapy/occupational therapist

An allied health profession that helps people adapt, develop, recover, or maintain life skills when they have a disability or impairment. Occupational therapists work both privately and within the NHS and social services.

PALS: Patient Advice and Liaison Service

A confidential service that provides information, advice, and support for health-related matters, including using and making complaints about NHS services, accessing non-NHS support groups, healthcare advocacy, and health-related questions.

PCN: Primary care network

Multidisciplinary groups of local primary care providers, including GP practices, mental health and social care services, pharmacies, hospitals, and voluntary services, who co-ordinate to integrate primary care for people with long-term conditions.

PI: Principal investigator

The main investigator responsible for the design and conduct of a research project. See also: CI

PNA: Pharmaceutical needs assessment

An assessment of the needs for pharmaceutical services in a local area. Health and wellbeing boards (HWBs) are responsible for publishing PNAs, usually every three years.

PPG: Patient participation group

A voluntary group of patients, carers, and staff in a GP clinic who provide feedback and suggest improvements for service delivery. All GP clinics in England are required to have a PPG.

PPI: Patient and public involvement

An active partnership between researchers, service users, carers, potential service users, and representative organisations (such as charities) throughout the research process. PPI helps to make a more equitable research landscape: rather than making service users the object of research, research is produced together with and by the people who use services. PPI can look like involvement in steering groups and committees, reviewing and designing research projects, and priority setting with funders.

PROM: Patient-reported outcome measures

Data from health service users about their experiences and feelings in relation to a health condition and treatment they have received in a clinical setting. PROMs can help identify if an intervention or treatment has improved symptoms, health, or wellbeing, patient satisfaction with the treatment or intervention, and patient experiences of receiving care. A range of different measures exist for use in different clinical settings.

PRU: Policy Research Unit

NIHR-funded centres of research to inform governmental policy on health and social care. The 15 PRUs in the UK are collaborative and made up of multidisciplinary experts. University College London hosts the NIHR PRU in Mental Health.

PSP: Priority Setting Partnership

A group of patients, service users, carers, and clinicians who work together to identify priority areas for research in a specific area of health and care. PSPs communicate a list of these priority areas to research funders who can then commission research to address them.

PSTRC: Patient Safety Translational Research Centre

Partnerships between universities and NHS trusts to support research into improving the safety, quality, and effectiveness of NHS services to patients. The PSTRCs in the UK are Greater Manchester, Imperial College (London), and Yorkshire and the Humber.

PSW: Peer support worker

People with lived experience of mental health problems who work as part of a care team supporting mental health service users. PSWs use their experiences to help support others in their recovery journey.

PWP: Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

A trained professional who works within Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services, assessing patients and delivering low-intensity psychological interventions for people experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and depression. PWPs work with cognitive behavioural therapists, counsellors, GPs, and other healthcare professionals to help people develop skills to improve their wellbeing.

RCT: Randomised controlled trial

An experiment where two or more interventions are compared by being randomly allocated to participants. There may be a control intervention or a group who do not receive an intervention. RCTs are useful for reducing bias in research.

RDS: Research Design Service

A free service that supports health and social care researchers in writing and developing funding applications. The Research Design Service provides confidential advice on research design and methods, patient and public involvement (PPI), and identifying funding sources. There are 10 regional centres for the national RDS network across England. They are run by NIHR and available to any researcher considering application to national funding competitions for applied health or social care research.

SCN: Strategic Clinical Network

A group of health and care professionals who provide clinical leadership and advice to improve health and care services in a region. SCNs advise and work with local government, charities, service users and providers, and commissioners. SCNs focus on a particular health issue or condition. NHS Trusts and areas with mental health SCNs include NHS North East and North Cumbria, Yorkshire and the Humber, and East of England.

SLaM: South London and Maudsley (NHS Foundation Trust)

An NHS foundation trust providing health services to the boroughs of Lambeth, Southwark, Lewisham and Croydon in South London. SLaM is part of the academic health science centre (AHSC) and biomedical research centre (BRC) at King’s College London.

SMI: Severe mental illness

Psychological problems that significantly impede a person’s personal, social, and work lives. Schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, and psychosis are usually considered SMIs. Addressing health inequalities for people with SMIs is an NHS priority.

STP: Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships

Five-year plans covering NHS spending in different areas of England. Each STP is led by a member of an integrated care board (ICB) or an NHS trust or foundation trust. STPs identify the long-term spending priorities for their local area to improve health and wellbeing, service efficiency, and quality of care, and to develop new models for care.

TRC: Translational Research Collaboration

Funded by NIHR and led by biomedical research centres (BRCs), TRCs bring together expert health researchers to turn research into practical benefits for service users and to improve treatment and care. The NIHR Mental Health TRC is focused on translational and clinical mental health research in partnerships with academia, charities, and life sciences industry. Researchers interested in collaborative mental health research for clinical application can engage with the MH TRC’s experts to develop ideas from conception to funding proposal.

TSC: Trial Steering Committee

A group which supervises a trial, monitoring its progress and advising on its credibility. The TSC is also responsible for deciding whether a trial should be stopped. It acts on the recommendations of the Data Monitoring Committee.

UFM: User-focused monitoring

A process of researching mental health services whereby service users evaluate the experiences of other service users in order to improve mental health care. UFM centres the lived experience of people who use mental health services in order to improve the relevance and efficacy of mental health service delivery.

UKRI: UK Research and Innovation

The national funding body for science and research in the UK. UKRI is a non-departmental public body of nine councils, funding researchers, businesses, universities, NHS bodies, charities, NGOs and other institutions. UKRI’s councils are the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Innovate UK, the Medical Research Council (MRC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Research England, and the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). A range of fellowships, grants, loans, and studentships are available to researchers at all career stages through UKRI’s funding finder.

VCSE: Voluntary, community and social enterprises

A sector and organisations that represent patient groups, volunteers, citizens and members of the community in England. VCSE organisations often deliver public services in their local area. VCSE engagement in health and wellbeing strategies is important for reducing health inequalities and representing the voices of service users, patients, and carers. NHS England’s VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance is an example of involving the sector in interdisciplinary communication, policy development, priority-setting, and implementing services.

YPAG: Young People’s Advisory Group

A group of children and/or young people with lived experience who are actively involved in research. Engaging YPAGs with research projects shifts the role of children and young people from research subjects to research partners who are part of the research design. YPAGs are beneficial to both young people as a forum to learn about and influence health research, and to researchers as co-designers and communicators about research feasibility and appropriateness. The McPin Foundation Young People’s Network and the European YPAG Network are excellent resources for researchers to learn about and collaborate with YPAGs.

ROM: Routine Outcome Measure

Questionnaires that service users are asked to complete to measure symptoms of a mental health difficulty. Often used alongside clinical judgement to assess and used to measure progress. Also often used as a measure in research.

RC: Responsible Clinican

Usually a consultant, the person who is overall responsible for decision making alongside service users.

CAT: Cognitive Analytic Therapy

A time limited therapy designed for use in NHS settings with wide applicability and an emerging evidence base. Developed by Anthony Ryle and colleagues. See and for more details.

MHSDS: Mental Health Services Data Set

The Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) collects data from the health records of individual children, young people and adults who are in contact with mental health services.

SES: Socioeconomic status

The American Psychological Association says SES “encompasses not just income but also educational attainment, financial security, and subjective perceptions of social status and social class”. More American usage.

M-RIC: Mental Health Research for Innovation Centre

M-RIC is a Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Liverpool research facility that is part of the national Mental Health Mission. The aim is to improve mental healthcare for all patients and service users. Find out more at

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