Call for nominations – MHR Incubator Awards

Call for nominations – MHR Incubator Awards

Prizes of up to £1000 in four award categories

What mental health research is making a difference in your field, profession, or organisation right now? We invite you to highlight the people or projects that are innovating through mental health research – whether that’s in a particular service, at a regional or national level. Individual nominees might be a public contributor in mental health research, an academic, or a mental health professional. If they are contributing to innovative research that’s making a difference – we want to recognise them.


The awards are aimed at people and projects. People who are nominated should be at a relatively early career stage.
You don’t have to be associated with a university or NHS Trust to nominate or be nominated for an award.
For post-doctoral applicants, anyone contributing to mental health research up to 10 years post PhD (whole time equivalent) can be nominated. If the nominee is in an early career academic role but not eligible on the basis of this criteria, please explain why they should still be considered for an award.
Anyone can nominate.

Nominations deadline: 4 March 2022, 5pm UK time 

Awards in four different categories:

Collaborative involvement of patients and /or the public

We want to recognise people and projects that have excelled in patient and public involvement. If you aware are of brilliant researchers, who are involving patients and the public at the heart of every stage of the project’s lifecycle, please nominate using our short form.

Mental health innovation

If you are aware of researchers or projects who are are approaching mental ill-health and mental wellbeing with new perspectives and/or in new ways, please nominate using our short form.

Building research in underserved areas

The conditions that lead to mental health problems vary across populations and regions of the UK. However, research capacity varies dramatically across the country – with some regions and fields being well-served by research and others not.

We want to recognise the people and projects who are pioneering research in these underserved areas, whether that be in underserved regions, with specific underserved populations, or under-researched mental health conditions.

Early impact of research

We want to recognise the research that is starting to make a difference to mental health or wellbeing. If you are aware of recent studies and work which are already bringing positive changes, please nominate these projects using our short form.

The nominations deadline has now passed - winners will be announced in April 2022